Part 35: I Can No Longer Ignore the Truth.

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" You knew about this new psycho and the old one has been living with you for how long?! "

" Wendy, Stop! Calm down you need to let them..."

" Bullshit I have to calm down or let them say anything! Look at him! He's hurt because we had no idea the danger was back! "

" How could we have known?! How would we have prepared?! Bill is one thing but from what Ford said this guy is something else entirely! " Lord the yelling was getting worse, Wendy and Robbie were in the basement while Pacifica was dabbing cool water over my face from the burning sensation still sitting on my skin.

" You know they are just worried about you, if you and Wendy weren't together I am sure she would be like the mother figure right now. " I chuckle from Pacifica for a moment while Mabel walks in with a bin of gel packs, all chilled and ready to lay over my face while I could hear her handing Pacifica a fresh one as she put it into a sleeve so it wouldn't hurt later.

" He knows Pacifica, I bet you would have loved that still right Dipper? " Mabel's teasings were always a bit out there, but she was so much more socially awoken that it was nice to hear her high spirits fit in with so many people.

" Shut up Mabel, let me rest. " I kept calm to avoid sounding mad, soon feeling that rush of cool hit me and for once sit instead of fading so quickly, I shiver and sigh softly only to feel a hand brushing my cheek gently, the door closing and Paicifca speaking up as it seemed Mabel was keeping herself busy still.

" You're a big idiot you know that? " I smirk slightly ready to make a reply but instead there is warmth on my forehead and Pacifica stands up from my bedside to gather up the bucket that once was filled with ice, now just lukewarm water, the rags, and such used on my face. I wasn't marked severely anymore but the pain was still light and the heat somehow remaining even through the healing.

" Hey, Pacifica wait up...! " The door shut again a moment later as I was alone in the room, laying on my back and just accepting the gel packs were all that would keep me from going insane for now, I was already sleep-deprived, and once my body was relaxed enough I tapped out of this realm and let myself sink into my dreams.

Elsewhere I found out that my father had been meeting with McGucket after the events at the lake and was already working on a way to heal me, maybe even completely without the need for technology to assist in my sight, ya I wouldn't mind some cool tech shades for whenever I wanted to see anything but sometimes just being able to open and close my eyes would be amazing.

" Once again I am missing while my kids are being hurt, scared... and most of all overpowered by some interdimensional..."

" Ah shut it ya youngin. " McGucket would chuckle and laugh his head off from his little quirk that stayed even as he gathered more of his wit back from the memory wipe's damages. " Those two kids could look into the abyss and come back smiling of rainbows and ice cream. What Dipper went through was minor compared to losing his mother, but it is because of connection to Bill that caused it all, sure he isn't at fault and knows that now, but something has come back and threatened them for just that, their willpower to face down doom like it was an angry kitty. "

" I suppose I just... After losing their mother, I lost myself, and I saw them as something more fragile than I ever did before... Mabel was always there to smile at me, give me hugs, but Mason was always locked away and couldn't look me in the eye... I felt so useless to him because I had no idea how to help. " Robert would tinker with the glasses a bit, checking the computer now and then while McGucket walks up to him, his posture ten times better to be sure but he had a little bit of that ole Hill Billy self-holding on.

" Ah, you are a good father, but in those circumstances, you eventually saw what they both needed. Sure maybe if they had come back sooner, it might have done more... but who are we to know? Dipper might have alienated everyone because he didn't have the time he needed to break down those barriers. I think you did what you could and in this day and age, from what the internet tells me... most parents can't be bothered to do the bare minimum, yet you pushed on when most would find a way to make life easier.  "

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