Part 29: The World; 1st Half

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There were many things that made Gravity Falls special, good people, crazy situations, even the fact we had an alien spacecraft in the middle of the valley that would kick start every few weeks and create vapor above the Falls that many took as the northern lights, of course we also were a town with a few undereducated individuals. Yet what made it the best place for me, was the fact it had the only Wendy Corduroy in the world.

" Hey Dip! Get me that rope! " Wendy stool ontop of the ladder with no fear while she was setting up the decorations at Pacifica's, well technically we all were but heck if my mind saw anyone else every now and then when I had a moment to admire that daredevil. I took a grip of the rope and slung it over my shoulder, walking over and handing it off to Wendy as she spun about like an acrobat, then again she proved she could be one with ease every other time I looked with how she handled running across the wasteland of the Weirdmageddon fields.

" There you go! I'm going to go work on the lights some more, Pacifica wants them to go off without a hitch. "

" Right... the weird bubbles. " Wendy rolled her eyes and would wink down to me afterwords. " Take care you don't fry your hands Dipper, I'll be very upset if you can't hold me. " She would just grin as my face flushed redder than an apple, smiling like a proper fool as I turned and wandered off towards the stairway so I could reach the control panel Pacifica bought just for this party, more than likely it will be my new project to set up for future occasions.

" Dipper! " I paused midway up as I had been glancing off to the side to catch Wendy setting up the black light orb, something for the celebration since it would make everything look interesting. Pacifica was coming down as she had been fidgeting with the controls more than likely, but was still pretty new to working them as she set her hand on my chest to stop me. " I wanted to thank you for getting everyone here early... I didn't think I would have this done in time but you are really saving me per usual. "

" Heh Well you did decided to call me at three A.M. and ask so I figured it was important to ensure we got started today. Tambry and the guys won't be back till next week but I think we have enough hands. Gideon is even downstairs with his buddies putting together the roller coaster.... I mean it feels a little Never Landy......... " I let that linger in the air for a moment before Pacifica would shove me and laugh out for a moment as she realized the suggestion.

" Sheesh, not like I'm trying to get kids only to come. " We both laughed for a moment and I shook my head. " So I tried not to mess too much up but I wrote down what I want to happen so if you can figure out how to set the controls so we just need to flip switches or hit buttons instead of program on the fly... I would be grateful, that way I don't have to occupy your time.

" Sure, though I don't think the senior technician will approve of many more  alterations... "

" Really? I know he's old but do you have to be so mean? " Pacific was pulling my leg sure enough yet I just laughed it off and walked on waving my hand back at her for a moment before I push open the makeshift door that kept others from getting in the Senior Technician's way.

" Dipper My boy! What is up with that Northwest girl!? First she wants lasers, now she wants holograms, it's not difficult but she keeps changing her mind. Swear kids can't figure themselves out at all. " Ford was at the control panel, working up the newest specs Pacifica no doubt rambled for him to make, though he was reluctant to help out originally, his interest in the new technology was what really has him giving Pacifica the show she wants to celebrate the victory of The Never Mind All That day, more or less giving permission to remember that day without getting tazed for talking about Bill or the weirdbeasts.

" Hey you know she is a handful, heck she is the one who Gruncle Stan still complains about even with no interaction with her the past few years. Though you have to admit with how everyone kinda avoids that day, this is gutsy for her to bring it up, especially since it forced her to move out of this place originally... though I liked her other place a lot more, never got to visit but I thought the front yard fountain was impressive. " Ford just laughed for a moment and would smile a bit more after popping his knuckles a bit, for only one extra finger on each hand, it sounded like it took forever for him to do this.

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