Part 40: Lies

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" Oh, the bell rung and their willpower still is sung. Every little life fluttering to face the strife, fools one and all following their king who falls. " His voice was unmistakable as he peers through the void, able to watch as lives went on around the town. Yet even as he watches them, he cannot see inside of the barriers, the blind spots that Ford and Stan carved throughout Gravity Falls. 

" For centuries you have been trying to possess all of creation, and where has it gotten you $#%#? " The name, that name was impossible to understand even from the benign entity which peered over his shoulder, softer but hard to tell if it was either or gender, likely not having one in this realm.

" Closer to my goal, to getting a soul! I will not be denied no matter how hard you try. " Yet the other figure, distorted in light would seem to shrug at the dark tendrils making up the other "beast".

" I have never tried to stop you, all my warnings were just that, warnings... You do not heed them thinking I am trying to trick you, your mistrust is what lost your chance all those years ago. Here there are infinite beings to interact with, to grow with... but you wish to live and rule over that realm... why? " And as if asking both of us, I felt those eyes look upon me with such intensity that I figured I was merely dreaming, passing through the last moments in a blur.

" Because, there... one can never know what will happen, there... if one possesses a soul, they can live in total chance. " The dark figure relished in caressing the orb he peers into, unable to actually grip it for it was merely a vision. Then the two began to fade as everything around floated off to the next moment.

I awaken with a start, my body shooting up to my discomfort as I had been curled up around my pillow again, hugging his scent and wanting him to be there when I woke up just one more time... no... every time, my greed for his warmth was ever growing. Wiping away the tears from my dreams, they almost could be called nightmares because of the pain they left behind.

" Wendy Corduroy! Get your backside down here and eat! I won't have you back at that wimpy little stick figure look again! " Manly Dan bellowed up, sounding annoyed but every one of my brothers saw his worry while I groaned out back down at him, a little defiance even if my stomach turned over end from the smell coming from downstairs.

After twenty minutes, I stood at the end of the dining room table, something new which Dad had built to show off a little bit of his improvement. Coated in resin, he had taken up using wood that would normally be unfit to make something worth keeping. 

" There she is! " Dan barked as he slid a hot plate of flapjacks before me, hitting my chair that saved the meal from going overboard, then a second plate of sausage and bacon, soon lightly salted eggs with pepper topping how I liked. I gave a smile that still pained him and my brothers.

" Thanks Dad. It looks great. " I slip into my seat and lazily begin to get the butter and syrup put on without making it flood my plate and slip off, he always stacked them so high, normally... rather enjoyable from how much we all ate to fit our constant energy from running around and working. 

" So, you have classes online still right? How is it working from home? Better than dealing with those campuses? I heard they had big parties all the time. " My little brother would call out as he prodded me for info, our older brother had already gone but soon this middle child would be looking as our youngest brother was too busy eating up a storm, always greedy for the egg sandwiches dad made for him.

" Ya it's pretty cool, getting to do work when I want and however I would like to. The group stuff is weird over video but I have been able to just use audio since I take most of the research tasks that I can just send out when I'm ready. " I didn't look down, except to pick up bits of food, trying to get better about being there for everyone since my grief was on my time.

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