Part 36: Man in the Mirror

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Weeks went by and I was subject to testing out the glasses McGucket had created. While the adjustments were made, I felt my father's hand rubbing my back and trying to keep me calm through failed attempts.

" I think you told me about this right? Took 99 ways to find out how not to find a way to make a lightbulb? " That line actually had a smile on my face once today. Soon enough I sighed out as my body loosened up and a slight chuckle left my father. The computer would have a few rattles as Ford began working through the calibrations.

" Ya well if that fluffed up moron had listened to his betters we may have had better lighting, just like how we would have free electric if corruption did..--- "

" Come on Gruncle Ford, we can't use time tape to change the past so might as well just accept we are where we are. " I call out slightly as I lift a cold pack to my face once again. Cooling the small pricks the glasses made to connect electrically to my nerves.

" Time Tape! You told me about that, what if we got our hands on that! Couldn't we---"

" Negative. The rules of bending our timeline would only give the darkness an idea of other ways to beat us. " I would smirk some knowing my father would have a small perplexed look before I reach back to tap his arm.

" End Fight remember? " My father's head lifted up with a slight "Ahhhhhhh" expression before we just laughed it off and Ford would spin about as the computer ran the numbers.

" Those movies are highly inaccurate! Even if they have the right idea. " Ford was amazed by the graphics and action, much of the reason I could calm down when Ford came back. We shared much of the same universe me and my father enjoyed and it just kind of made that family line up all the more solid.

While we waited, father lead me upstairs so we could enjoy some lunch, Mabel was spinning a box of pizza about as Gruncle Stan had began pouring the Pitt Cola for everyone as I was qucikly embraced by Mabel as if she had teleported over to give me a hug.

" So how did they work?! Could you at least see shapes?! Oh oh are they like echo location?! " I knew our father left us as Mabel guided me over to my seat, I felt my hand about to reach for my paper plate and soon finding my cup to get a little hydrated before I answered.

" They are interesting, I can feel them working but Ford said they might need to calibrate with my brain a little deeper, since we are born learning how to see right from the start, this is more or less doing years of work in days. " Mabel would gasp out for a moment and wave her hands before me, making my chest cool off some from her excited idea.

" What if I got a pair! We could be the cyber twins! Like that game you kept talking about! " Honestly she could always remember me talking about random stuff but the actual details, gone before I cared to explain when they actually just faded.

" Heh ya that could be a thing, but Ford says that since my nerves are.... anyway. These will work because I won't have any resistance. "  Mabel's gleeful excited self faded as I heard Stan laugh out some and poke me with an empty pizza box.

" You would need a handicap kid! You outrun all of us and then some, especially with your sister backin ya! " I smiled wider than I probably knew while our father snickered some, sliding my plate before me with hot pizza and soon everyone else. Thick footsteps would join us as Ford came to the head of the table where he liked to be to see us all.

" Indeed, Dipper and Mabel are shining examples of family, even when we were ready to fall apart you two shined so bright in the face of danger. " I knew our father wasn't exactly happy to hear about the dangers we experienced. Yet he joined in and held up his cup which Mabel would lead my arm to help all of us cheer.

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