Part 18: True Ties

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I swirled my wine a bit as honestly I wasn't so sure about something so fancy for a costume party, the music pumped me up a bit though Mabel was having so much fun running up to people and getting their costumes in a selfie before moving onto another victim and overall making me smile just because it was so much like her and that beautiful soul never changed. Even McGucket's son Tate made it here, usually he was a stay at home type but suppose with this mansion it would house this town and neighbors with ease. 

" Looky looky I see a Hooky. " I hear Pacifica calling to me as I turn and lift my hat a bit, I had picked out a pirate hat but Mabel ordered me the coat and boots online, surprising me with her little duo of Hook and Mr Smee, she knitted herself a white and sky blue sweater to fit better with her style, even her knitted cap was self made and she rocked the part, having gotten an old pair of glasses from Ford who was now more prepared for damages and lost specs while on adventures. 

" Heh Ya. Mabel was teasing Peter Pan and Tinkerbell but I told her there was no way I would allow her to wear that short of a dress. " I brought over my fake hook, metal but dull as all heck and used it for a cupholder as my hand holds onto my hat, the fake hair inside very jestful of that old Robin Williams flick, oddly better than most cinematography you find lately. " Let me guess, you are a robot upper class woman? Not much of a change eh? "

" Aha.. aha... shut up. " Pacific punches my arm but it was friendly, leaving me almost lingering onto the last time I was hit by someone other than Mabel. " At least you are smiling and enjoying yourself... Mabel was making us all worried you might actually be the "Bad guy" at the party today. " Smirking to me a bit as she held up her arms in a minor show off of her chrome like dress and pulls her hair back to show off her high dollar cosmetics. " I'm a CyberBrat 2069 Girl. I tried to copy the look of the standard model of the female hero but you know I don't like to dye my hair, don't wanna ruin perfection. " She flourishes her hair a little and just gives that confident smile to me as I roll my eyes and chuckle a bit.

" Ok ok I hear you there, wow that game is already out isn't it? I heard they got some big names to join on it, might even become a movie. " Pacifica nodded as she looked out over the railing, I had taken refuge upstairs where nobody was allowed, the doors locked of course but the balcony was easy to reach, just not really comfortable to hang out at with anyone without seeming to be the highlight of the party, which luckily for now we were invisible to everyone. 

" Maybe, but this was just for fun. Dad keeps trying to get me into easy street but that has all become... annoying to me now. " I look over as I notice her smile soft and carefree, more genuine than when she was trying to be some sporty hip rich girl.

" Glad you found yourself Pacifica, nothing like it when you realize what you're meat to be. " I lean on the railing, letting my fingers dangle the hat idly, sipping on my little bit of wine before giving a semi "The hell" look before carefully setting the glass on the pillar before shaking my head and trying to ignore that stinging taste on my tongue. * Though... I think you need to update your drinks to match the crowd still. " Pacifica would laugh out before giving off a small giggle to ease her sudden outburst.

" Dipper I swear, you got here early cause of Mabel. I hadn't even gotten the help to put out the food yet... oh sorry, the catering service, sheesh some things just stick right? " It was my turn to laugh out wholeheartedly before catching Pacifica watching me before she walks up to grip my hook, taking it away and placing it around the glass I set up before tugging on my sleeves.

" What's up? "

" Come on, let's dance. I think I have earned a dance from the Hero of Gravity Falls. You were gone so long I couldn't corner you into one before. " I was taken back a bit as I felt myself follow while being lead down to the dance floor and finding myself drawn through the crowd as we reached the party. She brought me to the middle where she could just hide, at least I felt like we were almost hiding amongst everyone. Taking my hat, she pulled the wig from inside it and tossing it away. " It's cute, but I think Mason James Hook looks ten times better now. " I knew I had a full rush to my cheeks because I almost stumbled from that little smile she had as she took my hands while the music really began to kick up to something we could dance to. I hated the artist but this one song fit as calm with a beat.

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