Part 25: Lets Gideon

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So few had the right to really call Gravity Falls home, in the grand scheme truly the town was made up of those who still heard whispers in the night, the ones who watched the skies and made sure everything strange was just a silly rumor or at the very least just a new weird creature coming to find a home, sometimes honestly I was never sure where Gravity Falls ended, because there was always someplace new to find. Dipper taught me that when I saw myself for the monster I had become all those years ago.

" Hey Gideon! " I heard Jake running over, his suit was nicely pressed and he finally was beginning to get into the role of assistant manager, though he had a scar on his cheek that made itself known, he wore it well and often had fun joking about how he got it to potential customers. " Hey, sorry to bug you but I was wondering, we've had those SUV's out front for a while and I was thinking of maybe moving them to the back of the lot, just at least till we get a bit further into fall and customers have that option look a little more tempting. "

" Not a bad idea, get some of the boys to help you out and we will be able to get it done by tomorrow, you'll probably need to open the back gate. " I toss him the keys for the lot since we had to put in new walls and alike for insurance, lord I hated insurance and their demands, not like people here stole.... then again the gnomes could take a chance if they saw a moment that they can joyride for once.

" Awesome, thank you boss! Oh and you're dad called... he wanted to stop by and check up on ya. Says your mom is joining him. " I looked up to Jake as I had wanted to return to my paperwork, but it was surprising to hear about my mother since she was doing so much better lately but... she still had troubles going out and about. Piling up the papers and organizing them quickly, I put them into my to do tray and nodded. 

" Alright then, go get to work and I will head out to cover you guys, and be sure to tell everyone to be tip top shape for my mama. " Jake just smiled at me since even for being an ex con, he understood family like most bikers did, they were chosen by trials of life but parents were forever... most of the time. Once Jake walked off I adjusted my tie and slipped on my suit jacket, looking at myself in the mirror as my appearance had always been a sore spot in my life, but my hair and light skin were just something I worked with, funny enough I began to think if I asked Dipper for help, he might know how I could get a bit of a tan.

The next hour became mostly standard work, checking on those few people who dropped by to take a look, having a couple out of towners who drove the extra mile for the services we offered and to jest on when we would put a dealership closer to the main city. Most people never really understood the draw of this place till they had been here for a time, but I couldn't blame them. Living here most of my life I felt a need to leave and become something big, but that would be pointless so quickly after those dark days that I found a new light in returning when Pop got sick.

" Gideon, my baby boy. " I heard from behind me as I turned to see my Dad standing next to my Mom, his arm around her shoulder and holding a simple walking stick. Mom was wearing a nice dress for her outing and even had make up on that wasn't shakily put together, probably Dad having helped her. " Come here and give me a hug. " I didn't waste a moment to move up and hug her tight, just showing my love while my Pop pat my back and smiled wide to me when I looked up to him.

" So what's the occasion? I didn't think I would get such a great surprise at work. " My mother laughed so happily as Father simply shrugged to me.

" Well my boy, I have been thinking it was time we really come out to see you... you are always visiting and making time for us, since I am feeling up to walking and your mother is in high spirits, we just wished to see that our son is doing well. " He was always understanding, lord knows I didn't deserve them but once I changed my ways and I gave up those sick obsessions, they both became so much happier and I stopped seeing those fake smiles I hated. Finding out they were because of me, woke me up even further back then.

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