Part 50: Gravity Pines

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" So eager to return, eh? " A soft voice spoke through deep vibrations, each word like a soft rumble through the air but calming evermore. I look up and there is no other face I could have imagined but Dave to be staring down at me with that big cocky smile of his. " Well, you aren't meant to be here yet, besides my nephew is worried sick about you. "

" N... Nephew? " I couldn't understand, there were only two beings in this realm, and yet I didn't feel like I had to wait as I was wrapped in warmth and felt like I was floating almost. Sure enough, I could hear a voice calling out to me, and in an instant, I was slapped and fully aware but a bit disoriented. " Who... wha... where? "

" Dipper! Calm down it's me! " Bill would shake me slightly with his bubble, making me feel like a mouse in a ball for a moment until he simply covered me in a minor layer so I can move around freely, even if I was floating a bit Peter Pan-ish. 

" Bill? What... how did I end up here?! " I look around confused as we float through the clouds, below I can see the wreckage of Gravity Falls, though it was a mess I wouldn't doubt McGucket would be able to--- " Bill is everyone...?! "

" Tone it down Dipper, everyone is fine... more or less. It's you who they think is gone again... isn't stopping them from looking though. " Bill reached out with his free hand to make a mirror shine and reveal a few different scenes of Wendy, Pacifica, Mabel, and our Gruncles all lifting wreckage and searching for me. " They lost you once, wasn't about to let them-- "

" Bill? "

" Ya Dipper? "

" Thanks. " I look towards Bill and smile a bit, drawing myself over to embrace my double and to his surprise, keep hold sincerely while he carefully went to hold me back, yet after a few moments of our gliding down, I would look over the landscape again, my arm over his shoulders and keeping me balanced, at least grounded more so. Pausing and pointing down as I noticed a certain impact point. " Bill down there. "

Without so much as another word, he aimed us towards the graveyard and we began to fall a quicker as we almost rounded off at the ground to walk onto the graveyard while Bill would follow just beside me as we went towards the fenceline near Mrs. Corduroy's grave. There, having smashed the metal fencing and left an impressive crater as a shriveled up body laid in the center with its body almost in the fetal position.

" Omega... " Bill would mutter as I stepped closer and almost fell back as his arm-like limb swiped at me and give off air as if trying to snarl.

" It's useless Omega... you're body is fading. " Slowly, bits flowed off of him like weird aura from the bubbles Bill had created all those years back.

" How... can... I... have... lost... why... can't... I... have... my... dreams. " I would walk up and lean down, kneeling to reach and place my hand on the leathery shoulder he possessed, it was all morphing slowly but what was left was still pretty solid.

" Because you don't deserve...! "

" Bill! " I exclaimed back and looked to my double, Bill would stare perplexed for a moment until he noticed the gaze of sadness I had. Turning back I gripped and pulled Omega up to my shoulder, holding him by his arm-like limb and my other arm around his waist. " Omega you could have had your dream, you could have had so much... Like what Bill can have now. " I began pulling Omega to walk him out of the graveyard, leading him towards the Fall's split at the entrance of the town. Up high we could see the edge of the horizon as clear as day while nearing the corner edge.

" No... you... all... would... have... denied..."

" Hardly, Bill showed us all he could be a part of this all, there surely would have been a place for you. " I continued along before finally stopping and falling to my knees as Omega remained hanging off me and staring at me, weakly keeping his head up the best he could.

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