Part 26: Best Left Forgotten

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It had been years and still looking at the rubble leftovers of what once made a headstone for Bill was staring right at me like a bad reminder of what the world outside out own holds. For all his power the creature was still bound by laws, something humans knew of but never really seemed to be affected by. Likely it was the laws forged with powers that no-one should have, a way to balance the universe to to speak.

" Hard to think a little triangle nearly wiped us all out for "fun". " Wendy spoke up as she came up to my side where her hand brushed along my back and she rested her head onto my shoulder, so natural now even if it seemed more intimate in my head, then again I was still new to affections of the fairer side of the chromosome. She sighed so faintly from the sight of what remained, somehow that creepy little hand still reached out even through none of the other features were doing well.

" Odd to think it was just a form he took so we could understand him. If he wanted he could have showed up as a human, trick us all even more than when he possessed humans. " I could feel the shiver from Wendy but soon enough she just lifted her head and tugged my arm gently.

" Come on, we gotta get. Mabel is waiting for us. You know she will flip if we miss her party. " Well it wasn't all that surprising that Mabel would want to throw a party, but in all honesty it was nice to see Soos and Melody again, they were gone for the past week, Melody went into labor and needless to say it was at a very awkward moment since me and Wendy were hanging out on the roof, shooting the shit and just overall joshing on each other about the rides and happenings at the fair.

" So, what did you get them? Since we never got to get gifts for her shower, since this kid came early. " I jested some, the kid seemed determined to make Soos and Melody's anniversary, it wasn't a great memory but a great time that we look back on as horrific, and funny.

" I thought an Insta Pot would do them wonders, they will be head over foot trying to get a handle on the kid, I have no doubt Soos will love his quick rice. " Soos wasn't big on tradition but everyone in the Mystery Shack loved his Mexican rice, a recipe his mother had down that she passed on before passing on. 

" Not bad, I got them a changing station and like ten things of diapers.... not exciting at all. " I soon was shoved and a laugh came from Wendy as she followed my pacing almost step for step.

" That is you to a T, Dip. They will love it to the last diaper no doubt. No doubt Mabel has the exciting gift down. " Wendy wasn't wrong, a slew of baby clothes all prepared months ahead of time ever since we planned on moving back, all good for a boy or girl and slightly stretchy in case the kid came out big, though from what the Gruncles have said the kid seemed rather normal except for having such bright eyes like Melody.

" Thanks, so we still on for movie night or are we categorizing that under too fast? " Teasing her a little, I was more or less just grinning from how we had labeled what was too soon, too quick, or too weird for where we were. Ya we kissed but it was usually only in the moment, and holding hands was almost purely to help one or the other up ledges and what not.

" No I'm good for it, I just don't want you to feel weird. " Once more she nudged me, but this was a gentle one that had her flicking her hair back some and then gripping the fin of her hat, well, what was once my hat. I can only smile since she began wearing it again, meanwhile I kept hers on my desk, almost a comfort item to wear when I needed to think.

"  Heh, don't worry... that little kid is still well alive. But I think I can fake being normal for a movie or two. " Reaching over, I run my fingertips up her spine, hearing a small shrill from the sensation it gave her as she huffed and shoved me hard this time, sending me into a bush before she walked off in her little huff of a fake attitude. I simply just laughed out and got myself up after a moment or two before following after and rushing off to the party.

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