Part 23: New Happiness.

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I had taken to getting up a bit early this week, the local festival had been setting up for a bigger display since McGucket had made a deal with a new company to drop by, they found use in our canyon walls being a bit closer than other areas, coasters going from side to side while crossing over one another and at one point the rides could even corkscrew around one another making people able to look up and see another group whirling by for those few moments.

I was working to set up the wiring for a bunch of these rides because some of the boxes shipped in appeared to be a little under cared for, I was enjoying the work since most of the people were curious about this place and their questions made it easier to work and pass the time.

" So you all really live easier here? I mean there is the waterfall feeding your lake and streams, but.. " I cut them off while pulling out a set of stripping pliers and rolling under the box I currently was fixing, this one just had short wires so I had to get them rewrapped.

" No no no. See one of our citizens, the guy who originally got you guys in contact with our mayor? Ya so he actually re-opened the mines nearby and found a bunch of metals inside... well with contract to have the mine stripped out economically with his devices we got a pipeline deal to bring freshwater in for the town... that is why all the fountains are so tasty. " The person I spoke to was a stall owner who had their items delayed till tomorrow, and had already gotten up so he was bored and saw a new body to talk to.

" Oh... wow. Sheesh must be nice being away from the big cities and getting to do stuff like that. If you were inland more so you would have those leeches sucking this place dry. "

" Haha no kidding, nah McGucket is scary smart, like my Gruncles. He had a patent rush after a little crisis here years ago, got rich and bought that mansion at the top of the town... sold it back and just lives with his son now. Amazing guy considering he lost his memories and went a little crazy for twenty years. " We both shared a laugh until the owner came walking up with a handkerchief on his brow from the light sweat, it had been a little warmer lately.

" Hope you are as good as your word kid, we have a few more days and three more rides. Not that... " Looking back across the multitude of different rides I already had up and running proper. " You haven't done good work, but one ride down a single day could put us at risk. "

" No worries Mr. Willy. This will be done in ten more minutes, just connecting the wires... luckily it's only a kid's roller coaster so the power switch was all that had issues. Like I said though, you might want to check on your electronics guy and this company.... they didn't leave anything that would break down mid way just wouldn't work as it was sent even if you had extra long cables leading into the boards. " The slightly burly man nodded as his beard had been trimmed down after yesterday kinda scorched, but that was the worst of it and luckily I had a wooden platform to lay on unlike most of the diamond box metal platforms.

" Aye. Seems his deals were too good to be true, I don't mean to sound ungrateful kid, suppose truly I am beyond just simple thanks and bonus checks at this point. Our season would be dead without you.... and I might have had to sell everything to the banks. " I simply rolled out and wiped by brow on my sleeve, pausing as it really had gotten the worst of it today already and I was going to need another long shower. 

" You just worry about your fair, I mean most people just put in those rickety rides and cheep lemonade attractions. It's good to see the people here getting a sibilance of theme park life. " I gathered my tools and my bottles of liquid latex, putting them into my toolbox while the stall owner laughs out a little. 

" Well after that scientist came out with the U-Carry ride attractions, we've been able to use two trucks for this whole park and all we have to do is stay to the night roads to avoid taking up too much traffic. " The way the guy spoke it felt like a carnival just as much as it was a theme park.

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