Part 28 : How could I forget?

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( Sorry for the delay everyone. I  snagged myself midway through writing and just kept feeling off about what I was writing, like I've said I don't like writing knowing it will have issues cause that isn't fun for any of you to decipher. Anywho hope you enjoy, and be safe all. )

Every day as of late was either building or spending time at the Shack, Miracle was a handful to say the least but Melody and Soos were handling it like champs, except when they needed a half a day rest. Though they were more or less becoming the ideal family of the Falls, they barely asked for help even though Mabel was quick to show up and offer her assistance, wanting to take care of the little one so she could be around something so cute as she put it.

In town everyone was getting ready for the big anniversary party at Pacifica's place, since she had talked her parents into leaving the Falls for a place a little more north, they liked to visit the mansion but in earnest it was a headache when they did visit, it almost felt like they were just using it to keep face and it was always followed by them talking down on everyone like they were still better. At least Pacifica was earnest in using her home to be for events for the town, almost like a new town hall really.

Everything was going good, nobody spent long in suffering unless they didn't speak up, most situations were handled by me or Mabel, usually getting help from Robbie, Wendy, and even Gideon, Pacifica handling the minor finance issues, normally we had to help out with parties just to pay her back but we were glad to do so.

Today though was just a good day to not be needed, or at least being given a while off since people didn't call or show up at the shack looking for help. Resting back on the headboard of her bed, Wendy would flip through a magazine as we watched a movie, something about a guy who could only agree to everything he was asked, funny though it had a lull in the middle of the story.

" I wonder what it would be like, being compelled to do everything people said... I mean he loopholes a lot which often is screwing him over to change the rule, but I think he will see what is more important in the end. " I nod a bit while looking back to see Wendy watching me, her smile soft as I returned it, turning onto my side and scooting closer to her leg, playfully pinching her toes through her socks.

" Isn't that always the story? The road to understanding? I feel like movies are always just the entire journey, never a chance to be cut short... if they are they are normally horror flicks or those creepy thrillers. " I smirked some just trying to catch her toes as she retaliated with wiggles and turns of her ankle to dodge my fingers as they try to pinch time and again.

" That does seem to be the formula, though I think even you broke that formula, you know that the fight was unwinnable but still, you and Mabel inspired the town, inspire Stan of all people to do what was needed for ourselves. Guess that is why I was so upset when you didn't come back, it felt like you gave up... " I could hear the memories beginning to get to her, just as I had done so many times before when talking to anyone. I reach up and grip her shin gently, stroking along her jeans just to try and get her eyes to look to me, once she peered up from her somber memories, I smiled with an admissive guilt behind my words.

" I had, so many times I saw it easier to just flop back and let the pain win... I wanted to use anything to hold me up but there were just moments that my self blame, and my scars would hold me back. " I never lost the smile but Wendy was ever staring into my eyes until she curled her legs up beside herself to shift and climb up to me at the foot of the bed, just huddling into my chest which was still so odd feeling her small enough to fit like that.

" How did you get over all that then? How did my best friend show up here and make everything like it was before? " I reached up and ran my hand through her hair, as usual it was a bit of a mess, tangled here and there but it made for a fun game of dodge while I laid my head onto my folded up arm.

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