Chapter 8: Stolen

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Kim Hyejin's POV

I stormed out of the house. I walked quickly while carrying the paper bag that Jungkook gave me, my old clothes were in it.

But I didn't care about that, what I'm worried about is that Jungkook had Wonho's card. It may just be a card but bloody cheese sticks! It's not just a card for me or neither my entire assassin group.

This will either be doom for us. I do not know if Jungkook knows Wonho's real name, but there is a high percentage chance he does. But if he only knows Wonho with his codename then this will either work out for me.

Now, I regret drinking that whole bottle. But it's also Wonho's fault! If he hadn't been a huge pussy, this wouldn't have happened.

I hitchhiked a taxi and was able to get to my apartment with no trouble. I charged my phone because my phone was dead when I got it from Jungkook.

While it was charging, I opened the device. There might be important messages that Wonho sent while my phone was dead. My phone opened after a minute.

Notifications of Hawk's message blew up, as well as 99's. I opened Hawk's first and read what he sent me.

Hawk: Phoenix, come here at the HQ we have a problem.

Hawk: Hey, where are you?

Hawk: Are you still mad about last night?

Hawk: We can talk about that later, we have a serious problem to solve.

Me: Sorry, I'm coming there.

When I answered him, I then went to 99's text.

99: Phoenix, we need you here.

Me: Tell Hawk; I'm coming.

I turned my phone off and left my phone to charge. I took my motor's key and walked outside of my apartment and ride on it. I'm not going to wear my helmet, I'm in a hurry.

When I arrived at the abandoned hotel, I quickly ran to the elevator and pressed the last floor. In nervousness, I was biting my nails. What problem would they have that Hawk and 99 are so worried about?

When the elevator opened, I saw all of my other members looked at me. They were already having a meeting. I cleared my throat and walked inside to Hawk.

"What happened?" I seriously said to him. Hawk sighed in a tired manner, it looks like something serious happened.

"We were robbed by a group of heists. They took the money we earned from our victims," his voice was flat. This was indeed a serious issue.

"W-when did this happened?!" I said as I ran to our bounty chest and opened it. Everything was gone, no penny even left to spare. What am I going to do? What are we going to do?

"I arrived here first, when I looked at the bounty chest to see if it's still there, it was all gone," I heard 99 said. "This might have happened early in the morning when most of the members went home."

"The people guarding?! What did you even do?! I thought you will do your fucking job properly but this is how you will fucking do it?!" I screamed at the two people who had the guarding job, they have their heads down.

I blew off a gust of air and calmed down. "Okay, I'm sorry I shouted at the two of you." I turned to Hawk with a distressed face.

"What are we going to do? We don't have the money anymore," I hopelessly said.

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