Chapter 24: Bikini

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Kim Hyejin's POV

The time is now 5:46 PM, the sun is slowly setting. The boys went back to swim again and Yoongi joined them this time. I have decided that I am going to swim now since the sun is setting now.

I walked away from Yoongi's shade and went back to the hotel. Walking myself to our room, I went in and grabbed the bikini that I bought at the mall. I opened the bathroom door to put on the bikini itself.

When I have it on, I had to boost my confidence to get out there and show this. When I looked at the mirror, I see a different me, someone who will be me if I hadn't been an assassin. I sighed and just opened the door and walked out.

I made sure to slow down my pace, I was really nervous to do this. So much for that arrogant thinking hours ago.

Jeon Jungkook's POV

I rose from underwater, taking off my goggles. I scanned the shore for Hyejin, but I couldn't find her making me slightly worried. Where has she gone to?

When I tried to look for her again, I still couldn't, so I stood up and told the others that I was going to look for her. They give me a thumbs up and continued to swim around the body of water.

I looked down to fix my shorts that were slightly crooked. When I did, I looked up so I can start to walk but I was frozen. The sight in front of me was gorgeous!

It was Hyejin with a black Lianxianger bikini. Her fair skin completely complements the black material.

 Her fair skin completely complements the black material

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"H-hey," I stuttered. She looked away with her cheeks burning in red. She didn't say anything and held my hand, pulling me back into the water. The others said hi to her and we all had fun splashing each other and swimming around.

Hyejin and I were sitting on the sand just half of our body underwater. We watched the sunset as I was protectively holding both of her hips. I am happy to see her like this and all, but her showing this lot of skin in the public just infuriates me. I just want me to be the only guy who has to see that, I don't care if I'm acting possessive.

"I really like this, it's very relaxing," I hear her mutter to me. I smiled and rested my chin on the top of her head lightly.

She took her ring off because she was afraid to get it lost. Hyejin told me that it was just on the bathroom sink. Someday, I will propose to her, when everything is clear now. Where we get out of school, where I don't have to question her identity anymore.

Just by the start, I knew it. When I first felt that I knew I loved her, I knew that she was the one. And because of that, I am never giving her away to anyone.

"If anything happens, will you still love me?" She suddenly asked that question. I couldn't see her face because she has her back on me, but I think she has that solemn face that she has every day.

Sometimes, I wonder what goes inside her head that she has that solemn expression.

"What do you mean about something?" Hyejin grabbed one of my hand and intertwining it with her's.

"Like, if I ever do something bad that you will definitely hate me for." I scoffed at her puny reason. She remained quiet, not taking this as a joke, she was serious.

I shrugged, I knew she can feel that. "I don't think that I am going to hate you... now that I love you, I don't see myself hating you." She turned around and tears were tainted on her cheeks.

I don't know if it was from the saltwater or if she is really crying.

"I have a secret," she said looking down but I raised her head using my thumb under her chin.

"Will you tell me that?" She shooked her head, her tears falling from her tear ducts. I wiped them away, making sure I don't touch her eyes because my hand was soaked from saltwater.

"If I tell you, it will ruin our relationship. I-I don't think I can handle that." I kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.

Nodding at her and at myself, I said. "—then don't tell me, I wouldn't handle it if you're not within my touch anymore as well." She hugged me tighter as I heard a little whimper from her.

I sighed as I drew circles on her back. Hyejin looks so tough but she also looks delicate. Like she's easy to break. I just want to protect her and love her. Ever since I found out that her parents died, I knew she had gone through hell. I knew that no one was left to love her like how her parents used to. That is why I am here, to let her feel love once again.

"Oi! Lovebirds! Go change, we are going to a bar!" We heard a distant yelling from the shore. We both looked at each other for a moment then laughing afterwards.

We both stood up and slowly walked towards the group. They were already dried up and Yoongi had already showered into new clothes.

"What bar are we going to?" I asked while handing Hyejin a towel. She accepted it and started drying her bottom half of her body since that was soaked in the water a while ago.

"The Prisma bar, you two hurry up drying and we are going to shower and change in some appropriate clothes," Jin said and we all started walking towards our hotel again.

Hyejin showered first, I just waited outside the bathroom door since I can't sit down on the bed. I really liked our little moment at the water. It's like, looking at the person you knew you're going to be with for the rest of your life.

I would never try to let her go, even in the worst possible way.

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