Chapter 33: Backstory

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Kim Hyejin's POV

I waddled both my arms up and down as I took a deep breath in. I looked at all the masked people with their battle gears on them. It has been four days since I came back here and today is the day where the battle starts.

It's going to be bloody, but I only have one target in mind. My gaze wanders around and saw him sitting down, it was as if he had cold feet. I can feel myself smirk. He was a coward after all. All that time hating on Jungkook, and when the time comes back when they're going to fight—he's going to have cold feet?

"Hey," I heard Jieun's voice, so I turned around. She inhaled deeply and sighed a long sigh. She looks agitated. I don't blame her, even myself, am agitated to execute this plan of ours. "You have to do an excuse to get out of here, my mask is by the 1st-floor bathroom."

I held her hand, she flinched at how cold my hand was but I didn't mind that. "Thanks, Jieun, you have really helped me even though I had betrayed our group," I whispered. Jieun smiled and winked at me.

"I'm your best friend, I can be your sister. I will always be by your side, no matter what happens," she said and hugged me tightly. I inhaled sharply as I felt the corners of my eyes burning.

"Please stay alive." I heard her quiet shaky breath. She didn't have to get through this if only she didn't know me if only she didn't choose this route—she didn't have to get through this hell.

I finally broke the hug and secretly hand her my mask. Before I could leave the place, Jieun mouthed the words 'We can win this' to me. Giving her a single nod, I quietly walked past the people and walk down the stairs to the first floor. I walked inside the bathroom and saw Jieun's mask on the sink.

Looking around the place cautiously, I walked outside the hotel inconspicuously. My phone rang, thankfully, I'm already quite far from the hotel. I picked it up and put it against my ear.

"The people you asked for are here, when are they going to ambush?" Jungkook asked, the hint of worry evident in his voice. Even he is not ready for this battle but, he chose to do this for me.

I sighed and sat down behind a corner, my soul leaving my body. "I'll be there soon. They're coming a quarter to six," I said. My hand went to my forehead and I sighed again. I can feel how cold my fingertips were.

This is too nerve-racking.

"Why did you want these people included? They don't have any business with our matter," he said, quite confused and frustrated.

I looked at the time on my wristwatch. 17:21. Why is time so quick?

"You will understand soon. These people are somewhat sentimental to Wonho."

"Wonho knows these people?! Then are they trustworthy?" The shock was clear in his voice.

Scoffing a little bit, I answered. "They're trustworthy, don't worry. They have left Wonho for two years already, I believe they even hate him now," I said.

I heard a sigh of relief from him. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking—why did you decide to not kill Wonho when the moment comes? You wanted to get him first?"

"Ah, about that. I have to know why—why he killed her. You just don't kill someone's sister for no absolute fucking reason—except if you're a complete psychopath—but I know Wonho isn't like that. I believe he had a reason why."

"Okay, I understand you," he said, bitterly. "What would you do to the people with him? Are you just going to kill them off? I know that they didn't choose to be in that group," he said making me think about it.

"Yes, some people had no choice but to join it. Just like Jieun and I." I suddenly laughed humourlessly. "I believe I haven't really told you about my story, let me tell you then because we might die in this battle."

"Don't talk about that, we-we're not dying!" The sound of fear was suddenly in his voice. I feel my heartbreaking as I heard how sad his voice was.

But I ignored what he said. Our death is inevitable, so why not just die than to suffer? I would gladly die to be in the arms of my loved one.

"You do know that both of my parents died on the day of my birthday last year, weeks after that, both I and my sister didn't know what to do, since we got the inheritance, we used it to survive for a few months but everything goes away soon. After three months, we had nothing, we don't have the money to pay for our rent anymore. That's when I met Wonho, he helped me get through our hardships, in exchange to be in his little assassination group.

"Of course, I had no choice but to join. I only joined because I needed the money to save both myself and my sister. Aera, being the protective sister that she is, she joined with me. Even if she knew it was wrong, against the law, she would do anything to keep me safe." I took my phone away from my ear to see if I was still in a call because of how quiet it got. Jungkook was still listening.

"Then, the time comes when I ridiculously fell for Wonho. He accepted my feelings, he loved me for who I am. I can't believe that I was really happy that I finally got in a relationship with him, it makes me sick. Days passed, it was okay, not until my sister suddenly disappeared, she was nowhere to be found. Then all of a sudden, Wonho told me that he saw Aera murdered right in front of the hotel."

I sniffled, I didn't realize that I was already crying. Jungkook grunted under his breath.

"I-I'm sorry, you didn't have to get through this."

"But I did, and it already happened—so what are you sorry for?" I said, plastering a smile to myself. "Sometimes, you just have to accept that you lose too."

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