Ashes - Chapter Ninety Nine

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I help Freedom up. I was upset that my sister was gone. Now everything was destroyed. She was the only light I had. She was the only thing that made me feel better. "So now you know. Happy?"

"Ashes....I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well sorry doesn't get my sister back."

"Nothing you can do could get your sister back."

"Well, I have to try."

"Ash....all the magic in this world could never bring your sister back."

"You don't know that." I snap at her. More tears appearing in my eyes.

"Please, she wouldn't want you like this."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW!" I snap at her. Tears stream down my face. "SHE WAS THE ONLY THING I HAD LEFT! AND WHERE IS SHE NOW? DEAD. DEAD AS DUST!" I storm off into the building. Anyone who comes near me, is dead before they even know they are alive. I find the room where Angel was. I walk in and push Jason out of the way. I put my sword up to her neck. "This is your fault. You are going to pay for it. If it's that last. Thing. I. Do."

"What are you talking about?"

"My sister! You made her do it!"

"Who was your sister?"


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