Angel - Chapter Eighteen

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The bell rings and I quickly grab my bag. All the things in there fall out. I'm surprised to see a diary. I quickly grab it and scan it. I never used diaries. Much less bring one.

I ran my fingers on the cover and realized it's my Mother's diary. I eagerly flip the page and saw a bookmark that was hand made. I lifted it up and it read," The world can't contain people's love." I turn it over and saw in sharpie my brother wrote:

Maybe you can write your thoughts like mother did. I left some of her entries in there also.
-Your loving brother

I hold the book tight to me and felt as if my mother was holding me. I shook my head and noticed everyone left. I gulp and put the book safely under my pillow. I gather up my things and dash out.

I saw Jason with his blade and was surprised.' Well, he is a guy.' I was raised to learn to fend for myself. Luckily, to men in the house showed me how.

I knock how to use a sword, dodge, and take one. Also, I took the liberty to learn every sword made. Which took forever. My brother was surprised I did it.

"Nice blade." I said collectedly.

He just nods at me and glances at his sword. I thought it was rude to tell him that I knew what kind of sword it was. I backed up and let the crowd separate us. I bumped into Melissa and decided to walk with her instead.

I swiftly walked by her and waved." Hi." I said cheerfully.

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