Angel - Chapter Sixty Eight

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I sat down in the library as they talked. Twirling my mothers diary in my hands.

"Sir." Said a guard.

"One of them killed themselves." That got my full attention.

"What?" I ask.

"I think her name was Melissa. She said something before she died."

"What did she say?" Our new commander Sam asked.

"That Angel made her come to this."

That's all it took. I dash toward the guard and pinned him down." Tell me your lying! Tell me your lying now!" I yelled. I punched him and punched him until people took me off of him.

"No! I didn't mean for this to happen!" I screamed. I struggled to get from their grasped, once I did I sank to the floor.

Sam came over and patted my back." Can I be somewhere I alone." I said somberly.

"Yes, there's a room right by the library. Enjoy it." I didn't listen to him because I raced to the room.

I laid down on one of the beds. Staring at the ceiling. Are we doing this for the good or worst. My heart pounds at the thought. I close my eyes and let my mind drift off.

"So what's going on?" Said Lance in my dream. He sat in one chair facing one way and I sat in another.

"Someone I know. Killed themselves. Because of me." I whispered.

Lance leaned back and twisted my hair between his fingers." I'm sorry for your loss." He said.

"Is this right?" I ask him. I grip my hands and looked down.

"Bloodshed is necessary. So more blood won't occur." Lance said.

"You hate the system don't you."

"My family died because of it. Even my best friend. That's why I'm fighting. That's why I want a equal world." Lance stood up and let go of my hair.

"Me too. Now it's my choice. I want a free world." I stand up.

"This world made Melissa kill herself. Not me. And I'll keep fighting for freedom." I said.

Lance smiled at me." Good luck." And he disappeared.

Now I'm a true enemy. And I'll play the part the best I can be." Bloodshed is necessary. So more blood won't occur." I whisper.

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