Jaclyn - Chapter Fourteen

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Frustration was literally spilling all over the limo. Well, if you consider bird poop frustration.

"Skeet. Come." I shout.

"Did you really have to pick such a dreadful name for the bird?" My dear old wrinkly mother asks.

"And please, indoor voice." My equally wrinkly father adds in, rubbing his temples.

"Mom. Dad. I like the name Skeet."

They stay silent. Which is normal. I tug at the rough hem on the skirt my maid had picked up. Her name is Zerria, and I am sad to be leaving her. She was easily my best friend. My parents made her shop for a whole new wardrobe, and she picked things I would hate, but things a princess would love. I sigh once more.

"Jaclyn dear, sighing is impolite." My mom pipes from the side of the limo.

I furrow my eyebrows. Royalty has made my parents into softies. Finally we make it to the huge academy. My bags are ushered to a room.

"I will see you in 6 weeks time for Thanksgiving," my father says proudly, giving me a sloppy kiss on the forehead. My mother does the same.

"Oh Jaclyn, please remember to be on your best behavior."
She adds as a final touch.

"I'll try, love yous."

"Love you both* honey." My dad smiles weakly as he is escorted out the door.

I roll my eyes, seeing how greatly annoying and strict my parents could be, I still might miss them.

But I doubt it.

I'm brought to a large form with three different teens sitting inside.

"Yo, I'm Jaclyn."

They stare. Well tough crowd. It's like a huge room of my parents. Geez.

Finally a young girl ushers herself up to me .


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