Angel - Chapter Thirteen

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I looked at everyone and I wish I could just leave. I know I'm different from all of them. My mother and father ran things differently.

I never had maids because my mother said it was rude to have someone do something that you can do fine.

I never had pets because my father said it might cause more stress than calmness.

I never used a handkerchief because it shows worry if I use it.

I never roomed with other people because my brother said that when I'm Queen I'm going to be alone on it.

I had rules to follow all my life. Certain things that can or can't be done. Rules...Rules...Rules.

"Who's next?" I shake my head of the thinking and stand up.

"I'm Angel Lugar. I come from the kingdom of Zeather. My parents have both recently died."

It was so quiet you can hear the wind run through the room.

"In order to keep my kingdom at peace my brother had to step up and become King temporally. When I learn to become a Queen, my brother will rule another country."

I wasn't sure if I was suppose to share that much, but the news would come out anyways. I looked around at all the pets and had a longing for my brother to be here. They had someone. I was alone on this.

I cruised silently and sat down with my heart weighing a ton.

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