Angel - Chapter Twenty Two

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I heading toward battle tactics. It was something I was good at, luckily. I had a thing with seeing the outcome of every move I do. A vision that I make in my mind.

The teacher there barked at everything." Some of you are girls in here!" He barked." If the king is ever absent, you much know what to do with battle tactics! Also, the king has to get approval from you if it's right!"

I was seated strangely right by all the guys. All the girl (but me) was mostly to the right. Why was he pin pointing me?

"Ok! You have paddles on your desk! Red and Green! If you agree with the situation, you show the Green. If not, Red! Now let's begin!"

Several slides showed and I got each right. Then, this one shows up. There was blue dots (us) and red dots (them), the blue ones were flanking left. Trying to go behind the red to kill them off guard. I played the plan in my head.

The soldiers were running left. Yet, I wanted to do something else." Come on!" Says a solider to me." No! Your gonna get-"

The enemy quickly turn left and starts to shot everyone down. A bullet heads for my head and-

I raise my Red paddle, but everyone in the room raises Green." Mrs. Lugar! Why pick Red?" The teacher yelled. Easy answer.

"You see. If our army flanks left. They will know there is a lack of enemies in front lines. The enemies will know that you are flanking and will kill you as soon as you try it. Automatic loss."

"Hmm. Care to show us something different?" I got up from my seat and made my way down. The teacher handed me a red and blue marker.

I drew the red in the center as they were before." First, guide them away from the structure." I put a arrow pointing away from their base. I draw the blues starting to go different ways." While, your army is trying to go around them. Cause distractions." I draw a cannon pointed at the reds. I erase the scattered blues and make them be on each side of the reds." Last, surround them. They won't be able to get here. Or here." I X out their base and circle ours.

I give the markers back to the teacher and sat back down. I heard people murmuring. I wasn't sure if they were talking about the situation or me. I didn't care anyways. I won't see them after the academy anyways.

"Yes, she's correct. The situation here is wrong." Everyone around me started to scribble notes and I did too, but with a better taste of what's was right. The bell rang and I noticed we have lunch next.

Perfect. Having lunch with proper people. I always ate lunch in my room and are whatever I liked. I knew it was un-lady like, but I didn't care. I was in my room. The only place I was allowed to do whatever I liked.

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