Ashes - Chapter Seventy Two

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I saw a girl look at us. Her ace stained with horror. "Wait! Please, we need help." Her expression changed a little to concern. "Please, we're not going to hurt you." I look over at the body. "She......killed herself."

"She what?"

"It was too much. She couldn't deal with everything that's been happening. Please, we need help." I plead. I could tell that I wouldn't be able to kill everyone that came my way. I needed another person. Suddenly a dog ran up to Jason.

"Cecil....." He said somberly. The wolf licked Melissa's face. Then it looked at me. It rubbed itself against myself.

"I'm sorry, she must not have been thinking of you." Cecil licked my face. "I can take care of you now. Cecil, right?" The wolf barked happily. "Alright, I'm so sorry about her." I pet the wolf as I went back to the girl. "Now, your name is?"

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