Chapter 18

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At seven there is a light knock on the door and I turn of the TV skipping over. Opening it I smile "Hi." Brad grins "Good evening my lady, I have come to escort you to the cinema."

I roll my eyes and giggle slightly "That was cute." He grins "Really?" I nod and grab my purse of the side locking the door "We're going to the cinema?" he nods "I thought we could go and see IT, not very romantic but it's supposed to be very good and your friend mentioned you liked horror films. Then we can go and get fish and chips." I grin "Sounds great." He takes my hand lightly and we walk down the stairs and out into the air.

We walk down the road for several minuets reaching the nearby cinema. "After you." I smile and walk inside Brad following shortly after. He walks over to the counter buying tickets and a large back of chocolate buttons. We walk together to the screen and sit near the back. "Do you know what the films about?" I nod and explain the basic plot. He grins "Sounds interesting. Horror films aren't really my thing but I like watching new things" He opens the chocolate and the cinema quietens as the film begins.

I smile happily eating chocolate and watching the film. It ends and I turn to Brad grinning "What did you think?" he shrugs "It was alright? I think I'll leave the horror films to you though." we stand and hold hands as we walk outside "Hungry?" I nod "Starving." He chuckles and we walk away from the cinema towards the nearest fish and chip shop.

Brad walks over to the counter order chicken nuggets and chips for me and fish and chips for him. We sit in the window seat and I lean my head on his shoulder while we wait. Once its ready Brad pays and we walk outside "Do you want to sit outside or inside?" I smile looking around at the dark street "Lets go back to mine, it's cold." He nods and wraps an arm around my waist "As you wish."

 We walk back to mine and I open the door leaning down to greet Chewie as he comes bounding over. I smile and lean down picking him "Hey, where you good?" he yaps and I tickle behind his ears before putting him down again. Brad sits at the table and takes the food out of the bag. I sit next to him and start fiddling with one of the ketchup packets trying to open it. Succeeding I put it on my plate and open a second. "Got enough there?" I shrug "You can never have enough." he chuckles and we both start eating.

Once we have finished I put the empty containers in the bin and open the cupboard "Mini roll?" he smiles "I'd love one." I throw him one taking one for myself "Do you want to watch a movie or are you tired?" I smile walking to the sofa "Let's watch a movie." he sits next to me and I curl into his side "Twilight or Midnight sun?" he shrugs "Twilight?" I nod and put it on. Chewie jumps up next to Brad and we sit comfortably watching the film.

Brad Simpson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now