Chapter 10

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"So who was better?" I turn to Molly who shrugs "I thought they were both very good." I nod "I agree but missing you is my favorite song. So The Vamps win but only just." Brad and the others cheer "Fine, but I still think you had an advantage." I smile at Blake who smiles back. Brad puts his arm around my shoulders and turns to Molly who is sitting opposite us. "So what is this story about Carlisle?"

I scowl "Please don't." she smiles "Well it was fiveish years ago and Jodie and I shared a room at University Jodie had just found out that tickets where going on sale next month. She had this whole plan to get tickets her mum and dad and her would all call the minute tickets went on sale. When they did they were planning on being on holiday. Anyway Jodie being Jodie she made a backup plan if she couldn't get tickets. She came up with several ideas but the final one was she was going to chain herself to one of the tour buses and either throw away the key or give it to me. Me and our good friend Emily where expecting the news to be reporting a crazed fan chains themselves to tour bus. But luckily we got tickets. Although it did involve her dad driving to Carlisle, camping out and buying them in person."

The boys laugh and I blush hard hiding my face in Brads arm. Connor laughs loudly "And this is true?" "Every word." Brad moves his arm and smiles "Aww your face is all red." I scowl and he smiles "That's quite a story." I smile "We told a security guard while we were waiting to go in and be just laughed." Molly laughs "And you completely freaked out when Brad waved at you." I scowl "Well you only knew the lyrics to the Beetles song."

She shrugs and I stick my tongue out at her "Well I have plenty of embarrassing stories about you." She scowls and we both laugh. "Well we should probably head back to the hotel." I smile and turn to Brad "Thank you, I really enjoyed myself." He grins "Thanks for coming." I nod and he stands pulling me up "I'll walk you to the door."

I wave slightly to the others "It was nice meeting you." They all smile and wave back "Bye," Molly follows us out the room and we walk back to the back door "I'll meet you by the car." She takes of her lanyard and offers it to Brad who shakes his head "You can keep it." she nods and disappears outside.

Brad smiles "I'll see you soon." I nod and he leans down kissing my cheek "Bye." I grin and kiss his cheek before walking outside and over to Molly who is leaning against her car "Ready to go?" I nod getting in the car "You know your grinning like a maniac." I shrug "I can't stop smiling." She nods and we join the que of cars leaving the car park "Well, that was fun." I nod "Yea, I can't believe that just happened."

"I can pinch you if you want." I shake my head still smiling "My answer is still no." she laughs and we drive through the city stopping outside my apartment building "See you tomorrow." She smiles "Bye." I climb out the car and walk into the building and into the lift. I find my key and walk to my door un-locking it and walking inside.

Chewie is sound asleep on his bed and I smile sneaking past so I don't wake him up. Changing into pajamas I flop onto the bed smiling broadly. That was amazing! With the songs playing on repeat in my head I eventually fall asleep. Why are all their songs about being awake?

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