Chapter 14

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I nod and wave the waiter over "The cheque please." He nods "Of course sir." He walks of and Brad smiles "It's nice being somewhere and not being noticed or recognized." Jodie smiles "Does it ever get annoying?" he shrugs "Sometimes but its nice most of the time. I like seeing people happy because of the music that the band and I make." She smiles warmly and the waiter places the cheque on the table "Would you like to pay by card sir?"

I nod "Please." He bows his head and walks away reappearing holding a card machine. I pay and he hands me a receipt "I hope that you both have a pleasant evening." He bows slightly and walks away. I smile and stand offering Jodie my hand "Shall we." She smiles and takes my hand gently "Lets go."

We walk outside and walk hand in hand along the road "I had a great time, thank you." I smile "So did I, I'll book the zoo for Saturday. Is that alright?" she grins and kisses my cheek "Sounds perfect." We stop outside her apartment building and I turn to face her "I'll see you Saturday." She smiles and nods "Yea." I kiss her cheek "Until Saturday." I wave slightly and walk away smiling and looking back over my shoulder. Jodie smiles and waves slightly before disappearing into the apartment building.

Jodie P/O/V:

I walk into the building and grin practically skipping up the steps to my floor. Thomas smiles putting down several bags of shopping "Your home late." I smile and he grins "Who's the guy?" I blush slightly "How did you know?" he smiles "Because you're all dressed up." I smile "Brad Simpson." His eyes widen slightly "As in the Brad Simpson from The Vamps?" I nod "The very same."

Thomas grins "I was going to ask if you had a good time but from the look on your face I already have my answer." I laugh and open my door "Night Thomas." He waves disappearing into his own apartment "Night." I shut my door gently and Chewie bounds over running around my feet. I smile "Hello to you to." I scratch behind his ears and stifle a yawn glancing at the clock on the side. I yawn again and walk into my bedroom changing quickly into something comfortable and flopping down on the bed. I smile and hum The Vamps songs to myself before falling asleep. 

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