Chapter 25

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Brad takes my hand in his and grins "So one year together." I nod and smile brightly "I love you Brad Simpson." he grins leaning slightly closer "I love you too Jodie Hodgson." The waiter returns with a bottle of wine and pours it artfully into glasses "Your food should be with you soon." Brad smiles and thanks him.

"So I've been doing some thinking." I smile slightly "About what?" he smiles "We've been together for a year now and I love you so much. So I was thinking, only if you want to, would you like to move in with me?" I stare at him blankly for a moment allowing his words to sink in before a large smile breaks across my face "Really?" he nods and I laugh "Yes, I'd love to." 

He beams "Are you sure?" I nod grinning "Of course." he grins and squeezes my hand gently "I love you." I smile brightly "I love you too," I lean over the table kissing him gently "I love you a lot." he chuckles and we pull apart. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you say that." I blush slightly and the waiter walks over slipping our plates of food onto the table "I hope you enjoy." he walks away again and I pick up a slice of pizza biting into it "This is really good." Brad chuckles "That's good." I nod and take another bite.

All that is circling through my head while we eat in comfortable silence is, we're moving in together! I'm going to live with Brad Simpson. He loves me. I love him. Brad looks up smiling softly "Is there something on my face?" I shake my head slightly "Sorry, lost in thought." he grins "I don't mind." we continue eating and once we've finished the waiter appears again "Was everything satisfactory?" we both nod and he smiles "Excellent, can I interest you in a desert menu?" Brad nods "Please." 

The waiter hands us both one and clasps his hands together "The special today is chocolate souffle and vanilla cream. I'll be back in a moment." I turn to Brad "What's a souffle?" he grins "Its a very light cake, usually hot with chocolate sauce inside. You'd like it." I nod and scan the rest of the menu "I'll have one of those then." he grins "That makes two." we order and a moment later a white dish with a chocolate cake and cream is sitting in front of us. I pick up my spoon and try a little "Its good." Brad nods "I agree." we finish eating and I scrape the bowl clean "At least they'll know you liked it." 

I blush slightly and shrug "It tasted amazing." Brad smiles warmly letting out a sigh "Are you ready to go?" I nod and he waves down the waiter to get the cheque. Once he has payed we stand and Brad takes my hand gently pressing a light kiss to my cheek before we walk outside and over to the car. 

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