Chapter 35

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(small time skip two months)

"Two weeks away in Majorca." I grin kissing Brads cheek "No work or having to worry about everything. Can't wait. Just you and the sun." he chuckles "Mum should be here in a minute to pick up the dogs. Then we're free to go." I nod picking up my suitcase and placing it next to his "I can't wait." he chuckles "Well the hotel is very nice. It has four stars and a pool and is right on the beach. Okay final checks, passport?"


"Plane tickets?"


"Hotel ticket things?"




"Clothes and such?"


"Things to do on the plane?" I laugh


He nods "That's everything." I nod and help carry the bags downstairs "Did you book the taxi?" he nods "Yep. One from here to the airport and another from the airport to the hotel. Everything is booked paid for and ready. This is a stress free holiday." I laugh pressing a light kiss to his lips "Sounds amazing." Chewie runs into the room sniffing around the bags, I lean down picking him up "Your going to be good aren't you. Derek and Anne are going to take good care of you and Jesse." scratching behind his ears I put him back down and check through my carry on bag one last time even though I've already memorized the contents.

The doorbell chimes the sound echoing around the room. "I'll get it." Brad leaves the room smiling brightly, returning with Anne "Hello again dear." I smile giving her a hug "Its good to see you again. Thank you so much for looking after the dogs." she smiles brightly "Oh don't mention it. You to enjoy your holiday." Brad grins "The taxi is outside." the two of us grab the bags and help load them into the taxi before helping Anne with the dogs and a couple of other things. "Have a good time." with last hugs we both climb into the taxi and wave goodbye.

The airport is a blur of activity both of us with hoods up to avoid any cameras wanting this holiday to be as private as possible. The plane is relatively empty meaning we have three seats to ourselves. "What's the hotel called again?" Brad pulls out his phone where he has all the information saved "Hotel Esperanza." I nod looking over his shoulder at the pictures.

I grip his hand tightly as the plane takes of and spend most of the time staring out the window watching London grow smaller and smaller before it disappears in the clouds and all I can see is a mixture of fuzzy white and grey blobs. Plugging in my phone I scroll through my music settling on a mix of my favorites. Leaning my head on Brads shoulder I start humming along and singing under my breath, Brad grins "I don't need my own music." I blush slightly "Sorry." he shakes his head "Don't apologize I think its cute."

The plane landing is less bumpy than take of and before I know it we are at baggage claim watching as the bags circle around on the conveyor belts. Spotting ours I help grab them pulling them onto the floor "We are officially on holiday." I laugh taking his hand in mine and kissing him lightly "Lets go find our taxi." we walk out and I close my eyes absorbing the bright sunshine "Sun, palm trees and you. Already a pretty good holiday." he laughs kissing my temple "Come on."

We find our taxi and the driver smiles brightly taking our bags from us "Welcome to Majorca." he speaks with a strong accent but speaks excellent English "How long are you staying?" Brad smiles draping an arm around my shoulders "Two weeks." he nods "Well I wish a good stay to the beautiful couple." he starts the car and starts talking about restaurants and good places to visit pausing every now and then to point out interesting buildings.

He pulls up outside the hotel smiling as brightly as ever "I'll have your bags sent to your room Mr Simpson." we climb out the car and walk into the foyer and over to the reception desk, instantly greeted by a beaming receptionist "Welcome to the Hotel Esperanza, how can I help you?" Brad smiles "We have a booking under Simpson." she taps on her computer "Ah yes, staying for two weeks. You have a beach view room, number 87. Third floor." She slides two key cards over the counter "Everything is pre-paid. So the spa is available through booking. All other facilities are free to use at your leisure and their is nightly entertainment in the bar. Dinner is formal wear only please wear trousers not shorts and suitable footwear. Enjoy your stay." Brad picks up the keys smiling "Thank you." we walk over to the lift and press the lift.

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