Chapter 8

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Blake, Reece and George stand up picking up their instruments "Well it was lovely to meet the two of you, but duty calls." I smile and Blake and nod "It was nice meeting you to." They walk out and Molly smiles "You got a full sentence out without stuttering." I scowl and she grins. The others look confused and Tristan leans forward slightly "What do you mean?"

Molly smiles "She's loved The Vamps and New Hope Club forever. Probably since the two bands were formed. She always talks about you guys, and Jodi could talk for Britain but not to people she really likes." Brad laughs quietly and I hide my face behind my hands "Don't be embarrassed, I think it's cute."

I remove my hands and glare at Molly who just smiles "So you've always liked us?" I nod and he grins "You failed to mention that on our date." I shrug "Forgot." He nods "Who's your favorite band member?" I blush "You." He turns to Molly who nods "If you want proof check her social media. She follows like thirty accounts to do with you guys." I blush and scowl "That's not true I only follow like twenty."

The boys laugh and James grins "Brads got a new girlfriend and stalker." I scowl "I don't stalk." Molly grins "You were obsessed, remember when they performed at Carlisle?" I scowl "Don't you dare!" Brad smiles "I would like to hear this story." The speaker makes a weird noise before announcing that the concert is about to start.

Brad smiles "However you can tell us later, come on." We all stand and follow. We walk to the side of the stage where we can see and hear New Hope Club perfectly. The crowd goes wild when they walk on stage. I grin and Molly laughs "If you do something weird, I'll do something weirder so it doesn't look as bad." I smile "That shouldn't be too hard." She gasps and we both laugh.

They start singing and I instantly sing along and dancing around slightly but stop when I catch Brad staring. He smiles "Don't stop on my account, I think you're a good singer." I smile and continue singing and dancing until I trip over a loose wire. Brad catches me and grins "I guess your falling for me." I blush but roll my eyes "That was cheesy." He shrugs "True though."

My face heats up and I know that I must be bright red. Molly coughs into her hand and I know she is trying not to laugh.

Brad P/O/V:

Jodie continues singing and dancing which I think is cute. I know I'm staring but can't seem to bring myself to care. James elbows me lightly "You must really like her." I smile and nod "I don't know why, she's just wow." He snorts out a laugh and quickly covers his mouth "Well Tristan likes her friend." I smile and turn to see Jodie and Molly dancing and singing together."

When the song ends they giggle and start whispering to each other. Blake starts singing again and I smile "Well they're both enjoying themselves." He nods "You too are perfect for each other." I raise an eyebrow "We've been going out a week and you already think that." He nods "I am very wise." I roll my eyes "Weirdo." He gasps "You can't talk." We both laugh quietly and I watch Jodie resume dancing with her friend shaking her head and laughing.

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