Chapter 31: Death Eaters

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"Bellatrix Lestrange" you said under your breath.

Bellatrix was a death eater that worked for You-Know-Who. She was holding George in her arm and had her wand pointing at his throat.

"Give me the boy or watch your little lover die" Bellatrix laughed pulling George's head back by his hair and point the wand harder at his throat.

"Stop!" you screamed with pain in your voice.

Another death eater grabbed you as you tried to run to George.

"Y/n don't move just stay still it's- it's ok" George said struggling.

"Where's Potter!" Bellatrix screamed pointing the wand at George's neck again.

"I don't know" you screamed lying to her.

"Don't lie!" Bellatrix screeched pushing George to the floor.

"No!!" you screamed wiggling out of the other death eaters arms and running to George.

Bellatrix kicked your leg and laughed hard.

"Aww how adorable. WHERES POTTER!" she screamed pushing you of George.

"Inside! Inside, please let him go" you screamed as she cut George's wrist to get you to speak.

Bellatrix dropped George and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

"George! George hey hey your ok" you said picking his arm up and wrapping the cut with your scarf you conveniently grabbed before leaving the burrow.

"Harry! Go warn Harry now, I'm fine. I promise I'm fine go!" George said pushing you off him and nudging his head towards the door.

You stood up hesitant and ran into the burrow.

"Harry! Ginny! Bellatrix she's here!" you screamed up the stairs as you ran up to Ginny's room.

You slammed the door of Ginny's room open.

"Y/n?!" Ginny said as she jumped back.

"Bellatrix- death eaters their here. They attacked me and George! They are here for Harry hurry we have to go" you screamed grabbing them both and running to the stairs to find Mrs. and Mr. Weasley.

"Y/n watch out!" Ginny screamed but she was to late.

As soon as your reached the bottom of the stairs a death eater knocked you out.

- T - I - M - E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - K - I - P -

"Give her this" you heard a man above you say.

He sounded like your old professor, Professor Remus Lupin, who had to leave school because he didn't want to be a danger to any students.

You and Hermione were the first students to figure out he was a werewolf.

"Chocolate always helps" said someone else above you that you believed was the famous Harry Potter, you were glad to hear he was ok.

"Hey hey she waking up!!" said another voice which you could tell was Ginny's

You slowing opened your eyes to see a group of people standing over you.

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