Chapter 8: Another Surprise

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"Ginny! Y/n get up! Come on" Hermione said jumping on you and Ginny.

"Hermione you get off me right now or I'm going to call Draco and Cedric and make them come and get you!" Ginny said pushing Hermione off of her.

Hermione went to the Yule Ball with Cedric since Cho went with Harry instead of Ced. Everyone agreed Hermione and Cedric were really cute at the ball.

A certain Slytherin changed a lot after his father tried to force him to get the dark mark. Draco moved out of the Malfoy Mansion and started help the twins with there shop.

Draco was now a lot different now him and Hermione would always see each other at the library. Yes, the Library, Hermione and him got closer everyday while they helped each other with their classes till late at night.

He apologized to everyone he every was mean to which didn't fix his actions but everyone was glad to hear he was sorry.

"Oh shut up" Hermione said getting of the bed and crossing her arms. She was totally blushing and you and Ginny could both tell but you let it go.

"What we doing today?" You asked as you got up and walked towards the close to get your clothes from your trunk.

"The twins are going to there shop to sell some stuff before Christmas and Mrs. Weasley is going to walk around Diagon alley. So we can pick to go with either of them or stay here and do nothing." Hermione said as she sat down in the chair at Ginny's desk

"Hermione!! We should help the twins at the shop and you can see Draco~" you said as you shook her arm then sat on the bed.

"I'm go with mom I need some new supplies for when school starts back up." Ginny said as she got dressed and sat next to you on the bed.

20 mins later you were downstairs eating breakfast with everyone. You wondered who Ron was going with, you and him haven't talked since... well since he let you confused in the shed.

You looked up at him to see him slouching in his car not eating his food just pushing it around with the fork.

"Harry. Harry What's up with Ron?" you leaned over and whispered to Harry.

"He didn't sleep much last night. He said nothing was wrong though so I don't know." Harry whispered back to you.

"Hey y/n are you coming with me or going with the twins today?" Molly asked from across the table.

"Oh I'm going to help the twins out at the shop." you say hoping so isn't upset your not going with her.

"I am too." Hermione says before she takes another bite of her waffles.

"Wicked" the twins say "We got two little helpers" Fred says rubbing his hand on the top of your head.

"Not to mention we got Draco there too so 3 unless someone else is coming with us?" George says looking around the table.

"Ginny and I are going with Mrs. Weasley" Harry said looking over to the twins then to Ron to see what he says.

"Ron? Who you going with?" Ginny said hitting her brothers shoulder to get his attention.

"Umm I'll go to the shop to help to twins.." Ron said not looking up from his plate.

Hermione, Ron, you, Fred and George all used the Floo powder in the fireplace to get to the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

"Y/n?" Draco says as he helped you out of the fireplace at the back the shop. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to help the twins at the shop today. Oh and Hermione's coming too~" you say winking playfully at the platinum haired boy.

He's cheeks turned a light rosy color before he crossed his arms and said "Oh cool. Whatever" as if he didn't care.

Hermione came out of the fireplace next and Draco helped her out then Fred, George and lastly Ron.

Ron was still not making eye contact with anyone he was just staring of into the distance.

"Ok ladies! You Draco and Ron go shock the shelf's up then go to the register." Fred said shoo-ing the four of you away.

"I shocked the shelf's already." Draco said to Fred.

"Brilliant then we can just chill until we open!" George said as he leaned back against the wall.

You talked to Fred and George while Hermione and Draco went of to find some books to read most likely.

"What's up with Ron?" Fred asked you

"I'll go ask I guess." you said as you nervously walked over to Ron

"Hey.. you ok?" you asked Ron as you tried to make eye contact with him.

"Yeah I'm fine. Hey I'm sorry about yesterday I just- I don't know. I didn't mean to kiss you I'm sorry" Ron said not making eye contact with you.

"Oh umm it's fine. Bye then" you said disappointed as you walked back to the twins.

Why was he sorry? Did he not like me? Then why would he kiss me? And hold me-? you asked yourself again and again as a tear feel from your eyes.

"Hey. What is it?" George said whipping a tear off your cheek.

"Nothing it's just cold so my eyes are watering" you said laughing trying to fake it.

"Here" George said as he took of his jumper since he had a shirt underneath and put it around your shoulders then kissed your forehead. "Better?"

You blushed a bit "I- umm yea thanks Georgie" you said confused why you were blushing you don't like George did you?

"No problem y/l/n" George said as he winked at you and walked over to Fred who was setting up a new toy display.

"What was that?!?!" Draco and Hermione said from behind you.

You jumped a bit frightened "Jeez where did you two come from?!" you said rolling your eyes annoyed at the two of them.

"Nevermind that. Why did George just give you his jumper, then kiss your forehead, and then wink at you?!" Hermione said shaking you with her hands on your shoulders

You grabbed her arms to stop her and said "I- it wasn't umm"

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