Chapter 24: Truth or dare

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"Me first!" Fred said spinning the bottle.

The bottle landed on Ginny, and she went bright read know what he was going to ask.

"My dear sister Ginny tell us.. you and Potter? Are you dating" Fred said winking at Ginny jokingly.

"No." she said sounding upset.

"What the heck Potter!" you said hitting his shoulder "you haven't asked her out?!" you said shaking your head in disappointment.

Harry rubbed his shoulder "Ouch"

"My turn" George said spinning the bottle, and it landed on Draco.

"Draco Draco... I dare you to kiss Hermione" George said laughing.

"What now?!?" Hermione said turning red.

Draco took his hand and turned Hermione's head so she was facing him and kissed her gently.

"Get off of her!" Ron said throwing a empty chocolate frog box at Draco.

"Wait why do you care if Draco kisses Hermione?" George said turning Ron who was red in the cheeks.

"I think he just had to many butterbeers sorry Draco" you said giving Ron a concerned face.

"Next?" George said trying to change the conversation.

"Right me sorry" you did spinning the bottle which landed on Harry.

"Harryyyy Potter!" you said excited.

"Oh jeez. Yes y/n" Harry said slouching a little scared.

"Do you like that beautiful redhead next to you" you said teasingly raising your eyebrows up and down.

"Yeah" Harry said seriously.

Harry and Ginny's faces turned bright read.

"Awww just date already" Hermione said laughing at the two.

"Ron your next" Harry said shaking his best friend who was spacing out.

"Sorry umm skip me" Ron said not looking up from the ground.

"Ok then. I'll go" Harry said spinning the bottle which coincidentally landing on the person who wanted to be skipped.

"I dare you and Hermione to go talk things out in the closet" Harry said noticing they both were being very awkward.

Hermione stood up and Ron followed her to the closet, they stepped inside and closed the door.

Fred and George both pulled out pens they had hidden in the side of the table.

"What's that?" you asked looking at the pen in George's hand.

"New invention we are working on let's see if it works" Fred said standing up and placing his pen halfway under the closet door.

George pressed a button on his pen and a hologram video of Ron and Hermione in the closet shined through the end of the pen.

You all watched the scene quietly.

Hermione was questioned Ron and Ron was leaning against the wall looking stressed and confused.

Then in the blink of an eye Ron had moved closer and kissed Hermione.

Everyone's jaws dropped and George quickly turned of the pen.

It was silent for a minute and you looked up at Draco to see he had the same expression as you did, confusion and betrayal.

"Y/n I'm sorry I didn't know he'd.." Harry said putting his hand on your shoulder.

"Why would I care" you said taking of the necklace he gave you placing it on the table and walking out.

You walked down the stairs and walked around the store looking at all toys trying to calm down.

"Y/n" George said wrapping his arms around you from behind.

At his touch you broke into tears.

"Why is he such a dumb git" you said turning around and barring your face in George's chest.

George didn't say anything for a moment he just held you tight against his chest.

"He doesn't deserve you anyway" he finally said.

"Maybe your right. I gave him a chance and he ruined it so I'm done" you said wrapping your arms around George's .

"I-i" George tried to find the right words.

"No he messed up and you've done nothing wrong. He clearly isn't into me if he's snogging my best friend in your closet." you said with anger and pain in your voice.

"Y/n" Hermione said from the top staircase with Ron behind her.

You looked at them with tears in your eyes and your anger rising.

George held you right as you tried to squirm free.

George cupped your face and kissed you passionately.

You forgot all about Hermione and Ron and moved your arms up to George's neck.

You wonder for a second if Hermione and Ron were still on the stairs but you forgot it and went back to focusing on George.

George and you stopped kissing and he rested his head on top of yours and you buried your face into his chest.

"Y/n please" Hermione said now at the bottoms of the stairs.

George squeezed you tight and then loosened his grib so you leave if you wanted to but you didn't know if you wanted to.

"Georgie let's go keep playing. I don't want to ruin the fun night" you said giving a small smile as you whipped your tears.

"Alright daring. If that's what you want" George said taking your hand in his and leading you up the stairs.

Hermione grabbed your arm "please" she said with tears in her eyes.

"It's ok Hermione" you said trying not to tear up at the sight of your best friend crying.

Hermione let go of your arm and George rushed you up the stairs back to the room.

You sat next to Draco on the couch and hugged him as a way to say I'm sorry.

He hugged you back and Hermione and Ron sat where you and Ron were sitting before. George and Fred switched places so George was still next to you.

"Ginny your turn" Fred said breaking the tension.

"I think we should all just go to sleep" Ginny said refusing to take her turn.

"We can all talk in the morning when we have had a nights rest." Ginny said grabbing Harry's hand and leading his to the couch on the other side of the room.

"I'll sleep this side of the couch you can sleep that side" Harry said tossing Ginny a blanket.

"I'm going to go to my room in the back the store" Draco said walking out the room.

"Hermione, Ron you take this couch. Y/n you can share the bed with me and George. Promise we won't bite." Fred said laughing as he winked jokingly.

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