Chapter 10: The Truth

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"Me and Ron might have.. umm kissed." you said as you continued to place the Fainting Fancies on the shelf not looking at the either of them.

Your glad you didn't because you could tell by the silents that this was not going to be good.

"WHAT!!?!" Hermione screamed of the top of her lungs.

The whole store went quite and everyone was now looking at the three of us.

Fred was still silent he didn't know what to say he was speechless for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"Hermione? You ok let's go back to the register." Draco said as he ran over and grabbed Hermione's arm and tried to lead her back to the cash registers.

But she didn't move she kept her feet planted where they were on the floor and she didn't move one inch.

"What's going on?" George asked you as he placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Then why- what's going on with you two then?!?" Hermione said lowering her tone a bit but she was still quite loud.

"What she going on about?" Ron said as he walked up and stood next to Fred who was still speechless.

"I umm" you mumbled trying to figure out what to say.

"Is it true Ron?" Hermione said to Ron as she lowered her voice back down to normal

"Oh no" you thought to your self as you slammed you head against the shelf.

"Is what true?" Ron said confused with what was happening.

"You.. and y/n... kissed?!?" Fred said finally breaking from his speechless stance.

You just stood their quietly hitting your head on the shelf as everyone around you started questioning "What?" "When!" "You together?" "Y/n! Why didn't you tell me?"

George put his hand in front of your forehead before it hit the shelf again and while everyone was distracted and questioning Ron he took you by the arm and brought you outside.

The two of you walked down the street silent for a minute.

"So. You and Ron kissed?" George said in a light tone as he kept walking.

He didn't sound disappointed or mad, he just was asking.

"Yeah... It was really confusing he kissed me then I kissed him and then he left. He didn't say anything he just walked out." you said as you kept walking, kicking all the tiny rocks in your path.

"Why didn't he say anything? That's just him being a foul git." George said as he stood in front of you to stop you.

You stopped and looked up at him.

You nodded your head and he smirked.

Not saying anything he turned around and belt down for you to get on his back.

"Come on let's go on a little adventure" George said as you got on his back.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you rested your head on his shoulder while he held tight into your thighs which were wrapped around his waist.

George carried you on his back through one of the secret passages he knew that let you straight to the Gryffindor common room.

"Georgie what are we doing in the common room?" you said as he let you of his back onto the couch.

"You don't even go to school anymore, you dropped out" you continued as you looked around at the Christmas decorations.

George didn't say anything he just knelt down for you to get off his back and he turned around at took your hands in his.

"We are just going to have some fun" George said winking at you then pulling you by your hands of the couch and to the open area on the floor.

George took one of your hands and moved it up to wrap around his neck and put his now open hand on your waist.

He started to dance across the common room with you as you both laughed.

One of the Gryffindors that stayed at hogwarts for the holidays saw you and started playing music then left quickly so you wouldn't see them.

George and you laughed danced together for a while.

George moved his other hand down to your waist and placed your other hand around his neck. Now you were chest to chest with yet another Weasley.

It was quiet while you and George slow danced around the common room.

"Y/n." George whispered

"Yeah George?" you whispered back as you moved you head off his chest and looked up at him

"Do you fancy Ron?" George asked looking down at you but still dancing with you.

You thought for a second, you liked him and the kiss was amazing but he hasn't said anything except for sorry.

If he said sorry maybe he didn't mean to and he felt bad for it.

"I- well.." you stumbled on your words trying to find something to say.

"George? Y/n?" you heard someone from behind you say.

You turned around to see Neville Longbottom you took your hands of George's neck and put them down at your side as you turned to face Neville.

George let go of your waist but he grabbed one of your hands, you didn't move your hand you held his hand in yours.

"I didn't know you two were dating" Neville said tilting his head confused.

Neville stayed at hogwarts for the holidays most of the time because he knew his grandmother should be hard to handle at the time of year.

You met his grandmother once she was a sweet woman but she could be crazy sometimes.

"Oh we aren't together." you said, you could tell George was a tad bit disappointed as he squeezed your hand a little less tight.

You wondered why George was disappointed with these words, did he want to be with you?

"I've never seen friends dance and look at each other like that." Neville said as he stepped closer and picked up your and George's hands that were intertwined.

"And I don't think friends do this" he said as he showed yourself your hand.

George and you didn't let go of each other's hands though you just stood there blank faces staring at Neville.

"I'm just cheering her up. She had a rough day." George said as he squeezed your hand slightly.

"Right ok sure. Since your here do you want some food?" Neville said

"Yes!" you said excited.

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