Chapter 23: Game night

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"Alright losers listen up! When you place your hand or foot on a spot it must stay there until we say a different color for that hand or foot to move to. No readjusting, no lifting and then putting it back down. No cheating! And no pranks" you said circling the group of boys before sitting down next to Hermione.

"Left foot blue" Hermione said spinning the whell.

All the boys stepped forward onto a blue dot with their left foot.

"Right hand green" Hermione said laughing at the boys as Fred and George had to lean backwards to get the dot and Draco and Ron bended forwards to reach the green dots.

The game went on for a bit and first to fall was Fred who claimed he only fell because Ron had pushed him.

Next Ron got out after George pushed him for pushing Fred.

"Left hand yellow." Hermione said

Draco twisted his arm behind his back and reached for the yellow dot behind him while George simply just moved his hand one dot over.

Draco was all twisted and George just looked like he was about to do some kind of spider crawl towards the wall.

"Right foot red" Hermione said laughing as Draco reached for the dot but fell in pain from being twisted up to much.

"Yes I win!" George said laughing and jumping up.

"I'm going to go find mom and tell her we will stay her tonight since it's late. You all keep playing" Fred said walking down the stairs.

"Right well, love triangles turn! You three go" Hermione said pulling Draco by the arm to sit next to her.

"Shh trust me go along with it" she whispered to Draco who was about to say something.

"Hey we aren't a love triangle!" Ron said laughing.

"Right, sure, whatever go on then." Draco said pushing Ron towards the mat.

"Right hand blue" Draco yelled so you all would start.

"Left foot green" Hermione said then she whispered to Draco clearly planning something.

"Left foot green" Draco said laughing.

Hermione and Draco kept saying random placements without even spinning the wheel.

"Your cheating 'Middle leg Air' isn't a thing" you said laughing as Hermione and Draco just kept bossing you around.

You had your back to the floor and stomach to the sky almost in a bridge position but more relaxed.

George had his leg over yours and Ron had his arm over your arm, you felt like you were being trapped in one place.

"Right.. George move up two spots and Ron move down one spot." Hermione said laughing.

"Can she even do that?" George asked.

"Do it or Hermione will punch you like she punched me 3rd year" Draco said laughing.

"You deserved that you were a jerk" Hermione said laughing and hitting Draco's shoulder playfully.

George moved up two and Ron moved down one and you noticed what she was doing now, Ron and George's faces were both facing you with Ron in your right still having his arm over yours trapping it and George on you left with his leg trapping yours.

"This games rigged I'm out" you said laughing and dropping to the floor.

You stood up as Ron and George both stood up as well.

"Wanna play monopoly??" you asked Hermione.

"What's mono-poly?" Fred said entering the room.

"Oh you'll love it!" Ron said excited.

"How do you know about it?" Hermione asked with a puzzled look as she pulled the game out of her pouch.

"Harry showed me. Do you have butterbeer in there by chance?" Ron said looking into Hermione's beaded bag.

"We've got a stash" Fred and George said at the same time.

The walked over to the queen sized bed and kicked either side of the bed.

At the very bottom of the bed on either side two compartments popped out and the both were filled with bottled butterbeer and all kinds of candies from honeydukes.

"You guys are my favorite brothers" Ron said laughing as he grabbed three bottles of butterbeer and a bunch of chocolate frogs .

You all laughed and grabbed your own drinks and sweets and started to play.

Hermione explained the rules and we started but we ended up pairing up so it would go faster, Hermione went with Draco, Fred and George partnered up of course and you and Ron went together.

After only 5 minutes of playing you and Ron were in prison, Hermione and Draco were winning and George and Fred were broke.

"WHY WOULD I PAY THEM IF THEY ARE IN PRISON!! I AM NOTTT PAYING A CRIMINAL!" Fred screamed hiding his money from Hermione who was also the banker.

"FREDDD! You landing on there property you have to pay them!!!" Hermione yelled tackling Fred to get the money.

"Next game?" Draco asked laughing.

"How about Truth or Dare we all know how to play that right?" you asked laughing as you pulled Hermione off of Fred.

"Mind if we join?" Harry asked as him and Ginny entered the room.

"Heyyy we missed you two!" Ron said, he clearly had to many butterbeers.

"Umm are you all alright?" Ginny asked looking around at the mess of candy wrappers and bottles.

"And why weren't we invited!" Harry said jokingly.

"Just grab a butterbeer and some candy while we get ready for truth or dare." Hermione said starting to pick up the game.

"Hermione your hair- you got a chocolate frog in it" Draco said laughing as he pulled it out of her hair and helped her pick up.

You all sat in a circle around the circle table.

Hermione was in-front of you and next to her was Draco and Ginny on her other side, Draco was sitting next to Fred who was sitting next to George who was next to you, and Ginny was sitting next to Harry who was sitting next to Ron who was on your other side.

"Let's do spin the bottle truth or dare. So it's more random." Draco said grabbing a empty bottle and placing it on the table.

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