Chapter 4: First Night

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"Omg Ginny spill!! What's going on with you and Potter" You said jumping up remembering the two of them sleeping in each others arms on the ride here.

Her cheeks turned the color of her hair "I- don't know what your talking about"

Hermione jumped up of the bed, stood next to me and laughed.

"You were sleeping on his shoulder! And cuddling! Somethings going on spill" Hermione said as you and her sat back down either side of Ginny staring straight at her as she hid her blushing face in her hands.

"Ginny come on what's going on with you and Harry?" I said in a calm voice, not wanting to seem like you were pressure her or anything.

"I- like him.." she mumbled with her face still in her hands.

"Aww" you and Hermione said at the same time hugging Ginny.

You all laughed as you hugged for a minute. You all got up and then headed downstairs for dinner.

"I'll catch up I'm gonna change out these clothes it's really hot in here." you said to Hermione and Ginny as you walked back into Ginny's room to find clothes to change into.

You picked out a muggle rock band tee shirt and you paired it with some athletic shorts that weren't to short or tight but still looked nice.

Instead of going straight down to dinner you went across the hall past the twins room and to the bathroom, it was small but you didn't mind.

You looked in the mirror and fixed up your hair up in a ponytail and you let your baby hairs hang down, you were to lazy to look nice right now.

You started to head back to the stairs when you heard your guy best friend call you from upstairs.

"Y/n come here real quick" Ron said with his head over the railing of the stairs looking down at you.

You smiled up at him and went up the stairs to his room.

You got to the top of the stairs and went his room, you found him kneeling on the floor reaching for something under his bed.

"One second, you won't believe what I found. I just had to show you." He said starting straight into your eyes as you leaned against his dresser.

He pulled out a shoe box from under the bed, he walked towards you and stood directly in front of you so close that you could his fresh scent of cinnamon, ginger, and a light hint of butterbeer.

"Look it's all the letters and pictures you sent me over the years" he laughs looking through the box.

"Wait wait you kept all the letters and pictures I sent you??" you said blushing but never looking away from his sweet green eyes.

He looks up noticing you were looking at him and not the box.

"Umm yeah of course I did. Your my best friend" he says staring back into your eyes intensely.

He put the box on the bed but he did not move away from in front of you, he stepped closer and moved his hand up to your cheek.

Is he going to kiss me!? you asked yourself.

He then uses his thumb to whip something off your face.

"You had an eyelash on your cheek." he said dropping his hands back down to his side, but he doesn't move he stayed chest to chest with you and he kept the eye contact with you.

"Thanks" you said giggling while you blush, he didn't laugh or move at all though he just stood there staring into you eyes.

He slightly leaned in towards you, omg.. wait is he going to kiss me this time or do I have something else on my face? you asked yourself again.

He was definitely leaning in and you tried to stop yourself but you couldn't you looked down at his lips, you stared at his peach pink soft lips for a second before look back up at his eyes to see he was looking at your lips.

You licked you lips as he bit his bottom lip, he moved his hands up and placed them on either side of you on against the dresser.

He was so close that if you moved one inch closer you would be lip to lip with your best guy friend but you didn't move because you didn't know if he liked you for all you know this could be a joke.

"Y/n?! Where are you?" you hear Hermione scream from the floor below.

Ron drops his head and sighs as if he was mad Hermione called for you, he let go of the dresser and moved back so you could leave.

But you didn't want to leave you wanted him to lean closer to you again, you wanted to be chest to chest with your guy best friend, is that a normal thing to want? you ask your self as you sigh and walking out the door with Ron following.

"Hey there you are. What were you guys doing up there? Never mind dinners ready" she says turning and walking back down the stairs.

You follow Hermione down the stairs and sat down next to Mr. Weasley at the table.

While eating dinner Mr. Weasley asked you about a thousand questions about muggle things how they worked and what they did, you didn't mind all his questions though you loved talking to Mr. Weasley.

Seeing how excited and entertained he got when you would talk about the muggle things you use and how they work and the music you listen to made you so happy inside.

Once dinner was done you Hermione and Ginny went up to Ginny's room and all got ready for bed then laid down.

"Hey y/n what were you and Ron doing upstairs?" Ginny asked turning over on the bed to look down at you.

Ginny was sleeping on the outside of the bed while Hermione was up against the wall.

"Oh yeah what were you guys doing?" Hermione said sitting up so she could see you too.

"Oh nothing he just was helping me understand the charms stuff we did last week" you said trying not to make a face that would give of the fact you were lying.

"You guys talked about school? During holiday break?" Ginny said confused

"If you need help feel free to ask me next time. I hate to break it to you but Ron's not the best in school." Hermione said laughing and laying back down to face the wall.

"Right, I'll ask you next time" you said laughing as roll over on your side.

"Goodnight Hermione, goodnight Ginny" you say as you close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

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