Chapter 29: The Day Before

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While shopping at Hogsmeade you thought of the perfect gift for Percy.

You were going to need help from the Minister of Magic and from the lovely pranksters Fred and George.

After the Joke Shop you and everyone else met up and you and the girls went off to go look around.

Everyone had their gift for secret Santa already and it was now the day before Christmas Eve.

"Mr. Weasley" you said sitting down next to Arthur on the couch.

"Y/n, you always call me Arthur what's wrong?" Arthur said putting down the daily prophet and turning to you with a confused look on his face.

"Nothings wrong I was just wondering if- youcouldtakemetoseetheminister" you said quickly so fast that he would not hear.

"The Minister why would you need to see him?!" Arthur said concerned.

"How did you understand what I- ok well it for the secret Santa. I need the Minister for a part of my gift to Percy." you explained.

"Ah you want to have the twins do something dumb and Percy fix it or stop it so the Minister is impressed?" Arthur said almost like he was reading your mind.

"Yeah kind of that's most of the plan" you said nodding.

"I don't know if the Minister would.." Mr. Weasley started to say but you quickly interrupted.

"Arthur please he loves you and your family and he loves my dad. If we both ask he won't say no" you explained smiling.

- T - I - M - E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - K - I - P -

"No" said the Minister turning away from you and Mr. Weasley.

"Please sir I insist you join us for lunch Christmas afternoon" Arthur said rushing in front of the man to stop him.

"Hi Minister dude, sir, umm hi. I think you know my father, Mr. y/l/n?" you said smiling as the Minister who nodded in response.

"Yes he was planning on inviting you to our house but they are sick unfortunately so Mr. Weasley and I had the great idea to still have you over just at the burrow instead." you said smiling and taking the Ministers arm in yours.

You walked with the Minister back to his office before unlocking arms and turning to him.

"See you at noon?" you said and before he could answer you interrupted "brilliant!"

You and Arthur headed back to the burrow both being very excited for noon on Christmas.

You got back to the burrow and rushed up to the twins room.

"Weasley's!" you screamed jumping into their room.

"Ahh" screamed the shirtless twins.

"Why are you two always shirtless in your room? Omg do you two bring girls in here and- you know" you said making motions with your hands.

"Omg did you both do one girl?!!?! Is that's what's happening in here?!" you said looking around the room for any sign of a girl or girls being there.

"Oh come on" George said rolling his eyes.

"If we both ever did one girl it would be you love" Fred said winking at you.

You laughed as George lunged at Fred.

"Joking joking, unless??" Fred said laughing.

"I mean I wouldn't mind two gingers at once especially you two hot twins" you said teasing them.

"Don't test us" they said together grinning at you.

"Welp not today boys, I need your help with a prank" you said sitting at a chair that was against the wall.

"Not today, so tomorrow then?" Fred teased grinning.

"Shut it" you said rolling your eyes blushing "we need to do something good that Percy can stop" you said throwing a book at Fred and George so they would stop smirking.

"Why would Percy need to stop it?" George said rubbing the shoulder that the book you threw hit.

"She got Percy for the Santa thing" Fred said still smirking.

"Weasley! Py attention" you said throwing another book at Fred "and yes we are going to prank everyone and I will pretend to be hurt or attacked or something and then Percy will save me and the Minister will be impressed" you said.

"Aww love your blushing" Fred said coming closer to you.

"Your cheeks are as red as my hair" George joked moving closer just like Fred.

"I'm being cornered!!! Help" you said watching the twins walk closer and closer.

"You don't sound like you want help" Fred said jokingly.

"Well Freddie maybe we should make it so she does want help" George suggested nudging his brother.

"Umm I'm uncomfortable" you said blushing reder then both their hair colors combined.

"That's ok darling we can make you comfortable" George said cupping your face in his hand.

"I-I" you said leaning in closer to George as you stared into his beautiful eyes.

George pulled you by your face closer to his.

"Hey hey hey! Your tricking me this is assault help help!" you said leaning back shocked at

"Not if we have consent" Fred whispered jokingly your ear.

"WE?!? As in-" you screamed as shivers went down your spine from Fred's hot breath in your ear.

"What the bloody hell is going on?!?!!" you said blushing.

"Are you blind" Fred asked jokingly.

"Wait did you- do you" you said head spinning confused.

George leaned in and kissed you, you were so shocked by everything going on that you didn't kiss back at first.

"Making me do all the work? I see how it is" George said leaning back in to kiss you again.

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