Chapter 28: Zonko's Joke Shop

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"Im you go you first" Molly said wrapping her arm around you and walking you towards the fireplace.

You stepped inside the fireplace, grabbed a handful of floo powder and said very clearly "Three Broomsticks"

You were sucked up and spat out in Three Broomsticks, you turned around to see Fred and George who followed you.

"Zonko's?" The twins asked together.

Zonko's Joke Shop is the first place we always went on the weekends at Hogwarts where we could come to Hogsmeade.

"Race ya" you screamed running out the Three Broomsticks and racing up the hill.

It was snowing and you shivered as you ran against the cold wind to the Joke Shop.

"Slow poke" George said running past you.

"Oh you little" you said jumping at George.

You tackled George to the snow filled floor.

"Ha!" you said over George who was laughing under you.

George tickled your side and you fell to the side.

George crawled over you and mocked you "Ha!"

"You dumb git!" you said laughing.

"Awww darling I'm sorry you jumped me?!" George said laughing.

"Jumped?! That's exaggerating I just pushed you." you said rolling your eyes.

"Yeah sure whatever you say love" George said winking and getting up.

George reached out his hand to help you up and you pulled him back to the floor and got on top of him.

"Ha" you said laughing.

"Why you little- oh hey Fred" George said

You looked behind you to see Fred standing watching you.

"Don't let me interrupt please continue" Fred said winking.

"Very funny Weasley" you said getting up and punching Fred playfully.

"Sorry not sorry" Fred teased.

"Come on let's go" you said locking arms with both twins and walking up the hill.

"Y/n" Fred said.

"Yes?" you replied looking up at Fred.

"Close your eyes" Fred said unlocking his arm from yours and standing in front of you.

"Umm- ok?" you said closing your eyes.

You felt George leave your side and he whispered something to Fred.

The twins whispered for a second and you heard them move around.

"I want to see if you can tell the difference in us just by touch" said a voice in front of you that you believed was Fred.

"So keep those pretty eyes closed and come see who's who" another voice said which you believed was George.

"That's stupid I can tell who you are by look and sound why would I need to know by touch as well" you said crossing your arms but still keeping your eyes closed.

Two hands grabbed your arms and pulled you towards them.

You moved your hands to grab either side of there arms. They were muscular but both the twins were so you didn't know yet who it was.

You felt up to their cheeks and went slightly on your tippy toes so you could feel the top of there head.

Their hair was soft and cold. You felt felt down their chest to feel their abs and you then felt their arms on your waist.

"Little needy Weasley?" you said laughing and hugging which ever twin it was that grabbed you.

Another pair of hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards them.

You felt their muscles and abs just like you did with the other twin and you moved up to their neck.

You played with their messy hair and then held their face in your hands.

"You jealous Georgie?" you said to the twin in front of you.

You opened your eyes to see George.

"I knew it!" you said smiling.

You looked behind you to see Fred who was glaring at his brother, and George was glaring back at him.

"Did I miss something?" you asked looking at the both of them.

"Georgie's mad I touched you" Fred said rolling his eyes.

"Not true" George said crossing his arms.

"You are both stupid come on let's go" you said running to the Joke shop to avoid the tension between the twins.

You stepped inside the whimsical store, it was a lot like the twins shop but they had different toys and treats.

The twins took a pack of self explosive fireworks to "test out" they said but you knew it was to prank Percy.

You didn't buy anything because you were sure Percy would not want a joke shop toy for Christmas.

You wanted to find something perfect for Mr Percy the perfect.

"What would he even want" you thought aloud.

"Percy?" Fred asked as he knew who you got for Secret Santa.

"Yeah I'm not that close with him so I don't know" you said fidgeting with a light up spinner you found on the floor.

"I don't know to be honest, Percy is hard to shop for" Fred said.

You thought for a second then you had a great idea.

"That's it I won't shop for him" you said smiling.

"Y/n the whole point is to shop for them" Fred said confused.

"Yes but- what if I got him something for his Owl and not him" you said laughing.

"Shopping for an owl would be better than shopping for Perce" Fred said laughing.

"Agreed" you said laughing and turning around to look for George.

"He went to look at the new stuff to get ideas for our shop" Fred said noticing you looking for him.

You smiled and nodded turning your attention back to Fred.

"I do want to get him something it's just hard what could you get for an uptight, rule following, perfect prefect, head boy." you said sighing.

"Ministry" you said quietly.

"Ministry?" Fred said repeating you.

"Percy loves everything about the Ministry and he just wants to impress his boss but never has." you said thinking.

"Yeah I guess but what could you do to fix that?" Fred said leaning against the wall of toys and treats.

"His boss and my dad are friends maybe.... yes yes ekkk!" you said jumping around in circles.

"Slow down what is it?!" Fred said holding you still.

"Freddie I just thought of the best gift ever, and the best thing is I don't have to pay nothing!"

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