Chapter5: The Weasley twins

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"Good Morningggg" Hermione said shaking you so you'll wake up.

"Hermione it's 2 in the morning" Ginny said groaning and throwing a pillow at Hermione.

"I don't care get up and get ready we are going to play quidditch with the guys today." Hermione said throwing the pillow back at Ginny.

"Really?!" Ginny and you said at the same time sitting up excited to play quidditch later.

"Yes so get up!!" Hermione said walking out of the room and going downstairs.

You and Ginny get up and get dressed for the day since you couldn't go back to sleep.

It was cold today so you put on some black sweats and a dark red long sleeve crop top.

You walk out the room and head to the bathroom again to do your hair and brush you teeth.

"Y/n in here" you hear George say as you walk past his and Fred's room.

"Hey George, hi Fred whats up guys." you say walking into their room and sit down on George's bed.

You and the twins are close so you have no problem getting comfortable with them.

"Just wanted to talk with you it's been a hot minute, you look nice by the way." George said sitting next to you on his bed.

Everyone one knows Fred is the more outgoing twin but he isn't a morning person so he wasn't saying much.

George and you closer then you and Fred but you love them both equally.

They always let you in on their pranks and you help them with some of them to just for the fun of it.

"Aww thanks Georgie" you said resting your head on his shoulder.

Fred moves over to George's bed sits next to you, wraps his arms around your waist and places his head on your lap.

"Guys do you think we can maybe steal the car for a tiny trip somewhere?" You said as you braided Fred's hair.

George puts his arm around your shoulder so your trapped in between the two of them.

"Of course where did you have in mind?" Fred said looking up at you while he continues to let you braid his hair.

"I'm a little homesick. I'm really worried for my parents I just want to make sure they are ok.." You said quietly.

You really missed your parent's the three of you always had the best holidays making cookies and gingerbread houses, playing in the snow, drinking hot chocolate while watching Christmas movies all night, and of course late Christmas shopping because your mom always would forgot something.

Fred hugged you tight around your waist while he kept his head in your lap, and George put both arms around your neck and pulled you in close so your face was now against his chest.

"Of course we can y/n. Let's go right now" George said as you wrapped one arm around George and the other hand messed with Fred's hair.

"You guys are the best.. Thank you" you said smiling.

The three of you got up and snuck downstairs quickly do Molly wouldn't hear you.

"And  where do you three think your going?" You hear Mrs. Weasley say from the kitchen before you get out the door.

"I'm sorry Molly it was my idea. The twins were going to take me to fly past my parents house." you said looking towards her then putting your head down.

"Oh sweetheart.." she walks over to you and pulls you into a tight hug.

"Go ahead, you can go just make sure your not seen and please be careful ok?" Molly says cupping your face in her hands and kissing your forehead.

"Thank you thank you!! Well be careful I promise" you say grabbing both the twins by the arms and pulling them towards the door.

"Y/n slow down" Fred said laughing trying to keep up with you as you run towards the car.

You hop in the middle between the drivers set and the passengers set and you turn on the muggle playlist and start blasting the music.

"Hurry up! Y'all are so slowwww." you said sticking your head out the car and looking at the twins.

Fred jumps in the passenger set and George drives since Fred's still tried.

After only 5 minutes Fred was fast asleep in the passenger set and George was swaying along with the music.

"Hey George" you said looking over to your tall ginger friend.

"Yes  y/l/n" George said laughing because he knows you hate when he calls you by your last name.

You lightly punch his shoulder as you laugh.

"Thank you.. for this by the way." you said looking down at your lap and fidget with your fingers feeling as if you don't deserve what the twins do for you.

George puts the car on Auto Pilot turns to you takes your hands in his and stares into your eyes.

" Y/n I'd do anything to see you smile. You deserve the world ok? Don't forget that." George said looking straight into your eyes.

George was always so sweet to you since the first day you met.

After his mom helped you get to the train he saw you hug her and wave goodbye so he offered for you to come sit with him and Fred.

You could tell the difference between them right away, Fred was shorter more outgoing and had a small scar on his left eyebrow, verses George had a longer face was slightly taller and he had a bump on his nose.

You made sure you always called them the right names because you never wanted it to seem as if you didn't care.

They loved that you could tell them apart but they would often prank you saying you called them the wrong name.

"Georgie.. your the best" you said wrapping you arms around him and tucking you face into his chest.

You loved George's scent of butterbeer, fireworks, chocolate and roasted marshmallows.

George wrapped his arms around you hugged you tight.

"I know I am" George said winking jokingly in your direction.

"Wake up Fred we are almost there" he said nudging your shoulder with his arm and nodding his head towards his brother who was peaceful sleeping.

"Freddie it's time to wake up." you whispered quietly into Fred's ear so you would scare him or make him mad.

Fred open his eyes and stretched as he yawned "Were there already?"

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