Chapter 35: Secret Santa

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"Happy Christmas" Fred said from the door.

"Merry Christmas" you said laughing.

You got up from the bed and changed in the corner.

"I'll get Ginny up you start on that note for Perce" Fred said nudging his head towards the album on Ginny's desk.

"Thanks" you said groaning the album and hugging Fred on your way out the door.

You went across the hall into the twins room and sat down at the desk.

"Morning~" George whispered in your ear.

"Ah" you screamed "oh my gosh hey Georgie" you said laughing once you saw it was him.

"What you going to write?" George asked.

"I'm going to tell him that his like a big brother to me and I'm going to thank him for that" you said as your started to write down how you truly felt about Percy Weasley.

A lot of people do really like Percy which isn't hard to see since he can be over protecting but he wasn't a bad person and you knew that.

"Wow I didn't know you thought of Percy as a brother" George said reading the note your left for Percy in the book.

"He has always been so protective and I just am glad I had him to help me through school." you said smiling.

"Hey you had me too!" George said jealously.

"Oh come on you know I know that" you teased George.

"Mhm sure" George said crossing his arms.

"Georgie" you said turning to face George.

George turned away teasingly.

"George look at me" you said smiling.

George turned and looked at you.

"George. You know I love you right" you said staring up at George.

George's face lit up slightly.

"I-I mean I" you said stumbling.

"You said- you love me" George said smiling as he grabbed your waist.

"I don't know what your talking about" you said stubbornly.

"I love you too y/l/n" George said kissing your cheek.

"Well of course you do I'm the best" you said flipping your hair behind you.

"Wow ok" George said laughing.

You wrapped your arms around George and hugged him "I love you too Weasley" you whispered.

"Ew" Fred said from the door.

"Aww Freddie don't be jealous I love you too" you said laughing at Fred who was pretending to throw up.

"Well of course you do I'm the better looking twin" Fred said hands on his hips.

"As if" George said flexing his muscles.

" Oh yeah two can play at that game" Fred said flexing his muscles with George.

"Right well I'm go now. Bye boys"you said waving to the twins as you walked out.

"You got a good one Georgie don't mess it up" you heard Fred say from the room.

"I know" George said

You walked down the stairs and into the living room that was now decorated with tinsel, and lights. There was a huge Christmas tree next to the fire place that was covered in hundreds of ordainments.

"We get all get our own new one each year, that's why there's so many" Bill said from behind you seeing that you were looking at all the ordainments.

"They're beautiful" you said.

"Oh great everyone is here! We can start" Molly said from the kitchen as Fred, George, and Ginny came downstairs. Ron, Hermione, and Harry were sitting on the 3 set couch and Bill was against the wall behind you will Fleur and Charlie. Percy was helping Molly and Arthur with the food.

"First we eat then presents" Arthur said seeing that Ron was already grabbing a present.

"Dang it" Eon sighed sitting back down next to Hermione.

"Hey y/n how'd you sleep" Hermione asked smiling up at your from the couch.

"Great, you?" you did sitting down at the love seat couch.

"Great" Hermione smiled.

Ginny sat down next to Harry squeezing on the couch with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. George sat next to you on the love seat and put his arm over your shoulder. Fred then laid on top of your and George.

Molly passed out a plate to everyone and Bill pulled 5 chairs from the dining room into the living room.

Bill put one chair next to the rocking set that Arthur always sat in. He took two and placed them next to the love seat by you, and took the other two and put them next to the 3 seat couch.

Molly sat down next to Arthur's chair and Arthur followed sitting in the rocking chair.

Bill and Fleur sat down next to Ginny,Hermione, and Ron. Percy and Charlie sat in the two chairs next to you near the love seat.

"Dig in" Arthur said.

As soon as Arthur spook the plates magically filled with food just like they always did at Hogwarts.

- T I M E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S K I P -

After you all at and put your plates away you started getting ready to open presents.

"Ok ok. Calm down Ronald" Molly said to Rom as he was already starting to open on of his gifts. "Secret Santa's first"

You stood up and gave the Album back to Percy "I wrote my note to you" you hugged Percy and sat back down next to George.

Percy gave a small box to Fleur, Fleur gave a wrapped gift to Molly, Molly gave something to Harry, Harry gave Treasure the Niffler to Ginny, Ginny gave a necklace to Hermione which said something but you couldn't read it, Hermione gave Arthur a book that you could read was about muggle items and how they were made, Arthur gave Bill a wrapped gift, Bill gave Ron a tiny bag with something inside, Ron gave Fred a box of candy and bottle butterbeers plus plans for a new toy, Fred gave George something that he wouldn't let you see, George gave Charlie a box, and lastly Charlie walked up to you.

"Your presents going to be outside later" Charlie said winking.

"Ok" you said confused.

After everyone opened their presents there was a lot of hugging. Percy attacked you with a tight hug that lasted at least 2 minutes.

Everyone seemed to love what everyone got them.

"Y/n come with me" Charlie said pulling Percy off of you.

You and Charlie walked outside and he made you close your eyes.

"Ok open your eyes" Charlie said once you both stopped.

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