Chapter 22: Diagon Alley Part 2

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After you all went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor you thought you should all meet up with Harry and Ginny at Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"Hey guys" Ginny said as you all walked into the store.

Quality Quidditch Supplies was definitely one of your favorite shops in Diagon Alley. Will all the cool newest brooms and the ball sets they sold.

It was mainly just fun to see all the new brooms which of course was why so many other students from Hogwarts were there.

"Wood?!" you said hugging a tall brown-haired boy who was next to Harry.

"Y/n I've missed you how's school?" Oliver Wood asked.

Oliver Wood was the keeper and captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team before he graduated.

After he graduated he became a professional quidditch player.

"It's good. Quidditch isn't as fun without you bossing everyone around though" you said laughing.

You all talked for a minute and then left to the next store.

"Where to?" Harry asked.

"Eyelop's magical menagerie?" Ron said as we all walked down the street.

"Ughh I love that place. Remember when I first got Crookshanks and he jumped on your head." Hermione said laughing.

"Yeah and turned out Scabbers was bad and not Crookshanks" Ginny said laughing.

"I blame Percy he gave him to me!" Ron said trying to defend himself.

You all walked into the store, it had the walls lined with cages of all sorts of magical creatures.

It was quite a cool shop with all the creatures but one certain creature caught your eye as it was climbing up your leg and digging in your pocket.

"A Niffler?! I haven't seen one of these in real life before only in the books." you said picking up the baby creature.

"Hey there little guy did you want something shiny?" Harry asked the Niffler that was now cuddled up in your hands.

"Ahh, I see you found Treasure. Thank you miss" said an old lady appearing from the back of the shop.

She took the Niffler from your hands and placed him into a cage on the counter in front of you.

"I didn't know you sold Niffler's here" Hermione said to the old lady.

"Found the little guy near Gringotts trying to sneak in so I brought him here but no one seems to want him." the lady said.

"Aww why wouldn't they Niffler's are one of the cutest magical creatures." Ginny said petting Treasure's head.

"Oh yes but they also steal a lot which is not the best." the lady said sighing.

You and Ginny stayed and played with Treasure while the rest of the bunch went and looked at the cats, owls, rats, and toads.

"Bye Treasure hope to see you again" Ginny said walking out the door with Hermione.

"Bella would be jealous if I got you sorry." you said laughing as George took your arm and pulled you out the shop.

"Psstt. Y/n come here" Harry whispered from behind you.

"Harry? What is it?" you said walking back towards the shop with Harry.

"I got Ginny. For the Secret Santa. I'm going to get her a few things but should I get her the Niffler?" Harry asked as you stepped back into the shop.

"Yes! Did you see the way she looked at him, she clearly wanted him." you said laughing.

"Alright. Excuse me ma'am can I buy your Niffler?" Harry said shyly to the lady behind the counter.

"Ohh yes yes!" she said excitedly as she jumped up and handed the cage to him.

"Just take him you don't even got to pay. Consider it a Christmas gift from me Harry" she said smiling at Harry.

Of course Harry was famous for his scar and everyone would treat him differently, which he didn't like one bit.

"Here you go." Harry said avoiding what the lady said and handing her a half a handful of coins.

"Ok you've got to hide him though... here to your extra jumper and put it over the cage" you said stopping him before he walked out the store.

"Hey we waited up for you Hermione and Fred went to the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes to go hang out with Draco." Ginny said smiling at you and Harry.

"What's that?" Rob said pointing to the Niffler's cage that was now cover by Harry's jumper.

"It's for the Secret Santa" Harry said with a slight grin.

"Right well who what's to go to Madam Malkin's?" Ginny asked.

"And who what's to go to my very own Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?" George said doing a little bow.

"I'll go with Ginny, y/n would you find taking this?" Harry said clearly not wanted Ginny to see what it was.

You took Treasure from Harry and you, Ron, and George all heading to George and Fred's joke shop.

"Hey guys we got the whole shop to ourselves what you want to do?" Draco said as he opened the door for the three of you.

"Hermione said something about a twister?" Fred screamed from above them.

"The game twister?" you screamed up the stairs.

"Yes don't you think it will be fun?" Hermione screamed down at you.

You, George, and Ron followed Draco up all the stairscases and into Fred and George's home away from home.

They had a small loft above the shop where they would come to hang out, plan pranks, or make in inventions.

It was a quite big and cozy place, it had a queen sized bed centered in the back wall, two couches on either side of the wall, a nice round circle coffee table in the middle of the two couches, and each wall he at least 10 different shelves that held different things they made or were testing.

"I might have it in my beaded bag" Hermione said pulling out her small beaded pouch.

She pulled out the twister box's and you clapped excitingly.

"What is it exactly?" Ron asked as Hermione moved the table out the way and placed down the mat.

"You see the dots, someone will spin that spinner and it will land on a body part and a color for example right hand red, so then you would take your right hand and put it on red, the last person still going wins." you explained as you helped Hermione set it up.

"Right well you guys go first and y/n and I will spin" Hermione said sitting down on the couch.

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