Chapter 30

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"Wait, we're leaving?" Peter asked, probably for the 3rd time. Alfred sighed, "yes, master bruce suggested you all stay with Mr. Allen for the day." The elderly man walked over to the zeta tubes, the avengers following close behind. He punched in a location before speaking again. "The children and master bruce have a full schedule today and will be able to stay with you tomorrow."

"I do believe you had met Ms. Snow and Mr. Ramon along with Ms. Smoak yesterday?"

"Who is Mr. Allen?" Steve asked, arms crossed.

"The Flash."


"Wow." Bruce said in awe. The zeta tube had transported banner and the others to S.T.A.R Labs. "Uh, where are we exactly?" Clint asked, he was still trying to get use to using a zeta tube.

"Dude, your in STAR labs!" The avengers whipped around to see a somewhat familiar face. Cisco Ramon.

"Star labs?" Natasha confirmed, she was confused, was this place suppose to be a big deal?

"Yea, let's go to the cortex real quick. I need to check on something." Cisco waved them to follow him through the halls. "Is that a hyper speed set up? Impressive." Tony said, as they walked into the cortex. There were multiple people already there, yet tony could care less about socializing with new people. He'd rather look at their technology.

"Yeah, we call that a computer on our earth. We were just about to upgrade it earlier but we got news of visitors." He explained. Natasha scanned the room out of instinct. She saw another familiar face. Kaitlyn Snow.

Her hair was white, she looked a lot paler... what happened?

Within a blink of an eye, ice darts were coming their direction. "AH!" the avengers all yelped, ducking or jumping out of the way.

"What the hell was that?!" Tony shouted, as he slowly recovered from jumping onto the floor. Face first.

Kaitlyn turned around to face them, but it didn't look like Kaitlyn at all. Yes it was her body but it was a completely different person. Almost as if you'd touch her, you'd freeze to death. Like you'd pull an Anna was Frozen.

"Who are they?" Kaitlyn spoke, Natasha wasn't a fan of make up but she had to say. That lipstick was amazing-. Wait a minute, was her voice... different?

"Calm down frost, their visitors." Cisco said without looking up from his computer.

"Why don't people tell me about these things?" She crosses her arms.

"We did- oh wait, we told Kate. Sorry frost." An older black man called out from the other room. The glass separator showed him.

"I think it's best if we let Dr. Snow take the wheel today." Harry said behind the avengers. That caused them to get spooked and jumped.


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