Chapter 31

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"That's Harry."

"Kaitlyn well, killer frost but we just call her frost."





"And iris"

Cisco had finished up what he called a 'role call'. Peter immediately took a liking here because it seems like everybody was laid back yet serious. "Bart and wally are doing rounds in the city, they should be back any minute now." Killer frost, now Kaitlyn said once she glanced at their trackers shown on the computers.

"So what are we gonna do here?" Bruce questioned, he was dying to take a look at their labs. By the looks of their base, it seems like this team is the most scientific out of the few they've seen.

"Well, I have to get back to CCPD, I can show you guys around?" As if on que, a large gust of wind erupted in the room. The avengers were confused, they didn't realize on this earth, wind can blow inside. "We just went to jitters but the line was long!" A voice squeaked. Due to Clint and Natashas training, they quickly identified the voice to be Bart Allen's. The team squinted their guys as the wind settled down. They relaxed when they realized it was just Bart and wally.

"And that's important because..?" Cecile crossed her arms.

"Because we went in our suits! We didn't have to wait in line plus, we just scored 4 coffees and 7 macaroons... for Free!" Wally exclaimed as he dusted off a few crumbs that's bruce suspected wasn't from the macaroons.

Cecile gently smacked the back of their heads, "don't be doing that again. Your not suppose to be using that symbol as a way to get things for yourself, you hear me?" She lectured.

"Have you guys met yet?" Barry asked, putting a hand on the two boys shoulders. Like a father showing off his boys. Tony silently chuckled at his thought, he wished his father showed at least that small action with him.

"Yep, at the mountain." Bart practically bounced with energy. Steve could've sworn he saw bits of lightning in his eyes. Yet, when he blinked, they were gone in a flash.

"You guys want us to show them around the city while you track Clue-masters trade?" Wally suggested, putting a hand on his hip. The boys began asking suggestion after suggestion... as if they were speed talking? Peter tilted his head, how could heir mouths and vocal cords even keep up with that?

"Ok, ok!" Ralph said, trying to shut to two young speedsters up. The avengers jaws dropped when they saw his hand stretch from the side the room to the boys mouths, covering them.

Ralph must've notice their gaping and explained his powers. "Woah! So your like that one guy from that one 80's movie, ya know." He nudged Tony's shoulder " where the guy with the red suit and the lacing-"

Tony slapped his hand over peters mouth, getting him to stop rambling about another pop culture reference. "Sorry mr. stark" his voice was muffled but tony understood and nodded.

"So about that CCPD tour..?" Clint spoke up, trying to change the topic. "Right, and I will be at the citizen, I have a lead on a story!" Iris quickly grabbed her bag as she was reminded she was on a tight schedule. Natasha noticed the sparkling ring on her finger, she assumed she was married, but to who? Iris gave a quick peck to barry and Natasha had her answer.

"Bye babe, I have a reservation for the 3 of us at 7:20PM!" She called Out as she left the room.

Before peter could say anything else, Bart dashed for peter and sped out with him. "What the heck? Your guy just kidnapped my guy!" Tony protested when he was slapped with the same gust of wind from eariler and realized peter AND Bart were gone.

"It's fine, he just went to big belly burger." Cecile explained.

"How do you know? He didn't say anything!" Steve backed tony up. Steve realized how protected he got when it came to peter, especially after what happened with thanos.

Team flash stared at them as if they were dumb. Cisco playfully threw a half eaten beef stick at tony, "lighten up tin can, Cecile read his mind or something."

"How do we know he's safe?" Bruce asked, although he wasn't close with the kid, he had to admit he enjoyed his time with him in the lab. "Pfft"

The avengers turned their heads to see killer frost leaning against a wall, throwing small ice darts at the wall. "This is central city."

"It's probably the safest city so far, if you don't count the rouges when their mad." She walked over to the wall where a few ice darts were and pulled them out. Clint noticed that Harry rolled his eyes. "We don't have as many Alien invasions, psychotic clowns or ancient angry gods running around in the streets."

Tony realized that she hinted at Gotham's crazy clown, he overheard Jason and Tim fighting over who has the worst experience with the joker. Something about Jason dying? He wasn't sure, it was late so he didn't pay much attention to their argument.

"Fine." Steve knew it was a risky move to trust these guys since they could barley trust the guy dressed in a bat suit with childhood trauma. But they knew they had to give peter some freedom.

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