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Tae-Hwaun's pov:

Knock!~, knock!~, knock!~

Betsy muttered, "I just know he's going to be mad..."

"He might not be, so-"


"Well, well, well," Rafael let out, interrupting me, as he opened the door, "Look who finally decided to show up. I thought it would take you... hmm, 10 more years?"

James shot me a dagger like glare as he huffs, "You can thank Tae-Hwaun that we even came."

"Once again, I'm sorry you had to hear that, but I had to talk to them," I explained as James turned away from me, "If I didn't, they would probably be hacking into my stuff, right now, and we wouldn't have any lead as to why they're doing this."

Rafael questioned, "Wait, so do we have a lead as to why they're doing this," while a smile tugged on his lips.

"No sir, not yet," I replied which made his smile fall, "But I have a few suspicions as to what they think about me."

He opened the front door a little wider as he walked away, "Oh so you figured this out, after talking with them today?"

"Yes sir, apparently yesterday, after I caught them hacking into my computer, Maria confronted me and said she and the rest of the girls wanted to get to know more about me. Therefore, I agreed to talk to them today." I explained as I walked inside with James and Betsy.

As Rafael sat on the couch, he scoffed, "These girls are something else but, now then, why don't we all, sit down and walk through everything that has happened from the get-go?"

"So starting from when the girls went to "Mario's house?" " Betsy questioned as we sat down by Rafael.

He nodded, "Exactly."

"How did that even happen," James questioned, "Please go into detail about that."

He explained, "Okay so it all began when Winston and Luca came into my study saying Maria and the girls found out where Mario lives, school wise. I was shocked but thought they would kidnap the fools and interrogate them."

"But if they did that, we would look suspicious and it's against school policy to obtain information, like that, about a student, apparently."

"They said they informed me since they didn't know what else to do. So, I took the time to think about what was going on then that's when I suspected this; Natalia asked them to do it."

"Note, this all took place after U-Jin was released from the hospital. Furthermore, since they couldn't find U-Jin at his house and knew he was in the possession of Mario, aka Leonardo, Natalia would have Nevaeh hack into the school database, get the location, go to it, then boom, kidnap the both of them."

After he finished explaining that James and Betsy let out, "Oh, that makes a lot of sense-"

"Except," I cut in, "That week, she was very upset with Maria and the girls to the point, she didn't even let them help out. During that operation, she had us," I pointed at James, Betsy, and myself, "Helping out along with Brooklyn and Hailey, but never those girls."

"It also explains how we were able to tell you what's going on and whatnot. Immediately after we couldn't "find them," Natalia didn't have us or anyone, do anything. If she didn't tell us, she most definitely would not tell those girls anything."

"I mean, this is their mess after all. So to wrap it up, that assumption is wrong, sir."

Betsy and James, gulped, then slowly turned their attention to Rafael to see him sitting there with a light smirk. "Very well done," he clapped, "Indeed, my assumption was wrong since Miguel proved it was wrong and you just proved it was even more wrong, thank you."

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