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U-Jin's pov:

"C'mon, let's go on the swings!" he shouted.

I nodded and held his hand while we raced over to the swing sets.

I asked, "Will you push me?"

He nodded so I got on the swings and started swinging my legs back and forth as he pushed me, gently.

"Hey... can I tell you something?" he questioned.

I nodded so he held me still so I tilted my head back to stare at him. He looked down at me but I couldn't see his face... it was blurred out and pixelated.

He stated, "Don't forget who I am, always remember my name is-"

Suddenly, I couldn't hear what he was saying anymore. I got off the swing and asked, "Wait, what's your name? I can't hear you."

His mouth was just repeating his name over and over again while his face was getting more and more blurry. I got off the swing and placed my hand on his shoulder but it fell right through it.

Huh, what was that? I tried placing my other hand on his shoulder but it fell right through just like before.

"What's going on? Why can't I hear you, see your face, or even touch you?" I wondered.

Before he could answer, his body turned into these little specks of dust and a strong wind blew him away. His hand reached out for me but when I tried grabbing it, he perished...

I looked around, confused, as I shouted, "Hey, where did you go? Who are you!"



Beep? Why is there something beeping at me?

When I turned my head to the right, I noticed I was on the road with a fast car coming towards me while honking. My eyes widened as I gasped, I tried running away but I couldn't. My body was frozen in place.


Suddenly, the car hit me while letting out a loud honk so I screamed out in pain while flying through the air then fell to the floor.

I groaned and sat up, slowly, while my whole body was aching. I looked at the car to see it completely totaled with people inside it.

I saw a man, a woman, and a small child. The small child was passed out while the mother was bleeding out and barely functioning.

The man had a broken arm but still tried to talk to the woman. "Baby... baby, can you hear me?" he asked her.

The woman didn't respond but just looked at him with her eyes slightly open. "Baby, talk to me! Stay with me!" he yelled and tried covering and applying pressure to her open wound.

"I- ... I love... y-you... and U-j-jin-"


I gasped and shot up since I was soaking wet. I looked around and noticed Avalon and Camden standing beside my bed, with their arms crossed.

"Glad to see you awake, pretty boy." Camden sassed out.

My eyes darkened while staring at them as I asked, "Why the fuck did you pour cold water all over me while I was sleeping?!"

"Well, you didn't wake up when we called you." Avalon answered.

I growled out through gritted teeth, "That was because I was about to find out some more hints to this fucking dream I always have!"

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