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A/N: Listen to the song when it says, "Click!~, clack!~, click!~..."

TW, Sexual References

Maria's pov:


"What the fuck... just... happened?!" Emily screamed as she slammed the door shut since she was the last person to come into the house.

I cried, "I don't know... but they ruined my favorite skirt..."

Yup, that's right, we're finally at home. How, you may be wondering? Well I literally sped to my house and broke several laws. I mean, I already do that but this time it was way worse.

After that guy told the homeless people to get us- excuse me, get me in particular, they started throwing trash at us. Dog shit.... their shit... some- some type of shit- all in all, it was just shit!

They even started tugging and pulling on our clothes thinking we were actually going to give it to them when we weren't. But now that I think about it, I may as well give it to them since it already has their feces on it!

Lord have mercy, that's not even where it gets worse! Instead of fighting them off, Emily threw me into them so they started jumping me while Nevaeh and her tried escaping without me in my car!

Who in the world gave her permission to touch me or my fucking car? No one, that's who. The only reason I'm standing in my house right now is because their drug dealer came by so they immediately left me alone to get some drugs.

Thank god he arrived but I feel so bad... for my car. CeCe, Cheetah Lopez, got dirt inside and outside her while we were trying to escape. She reeks a foul odor and I just feel terrible.

Usually she's this nice, pretty, white color but now she's this super dirty, white color with different color poop stains on her. God, could this day get any worse-

"This is all Maria's fault! We should've never decided to find out where he lives!" Emily screamed.

My eyes widened as I yelled, "Who in the world are you blaming this on?! It shouldn't be me since I wasn't the one who came up with this idea. This is all on you!"

"Me," she scoffed, "Well was I the person who said my name which made everyone start attacking us? Nope, so this possibly couldn't even be my fault. I blame you for my dirty clothing, I blame you for making me smell bad, and I blame you for-"

Nevaeh roared, cutting her off, "Guys enough! Blaming each other because of what happened won't do us any good. Frankly, it's just childish and annoying."

"This whole idea was created by Emily but blew up since Maria said her name. She didn't know that would happen so there's no reason to put blame on her, Emily."

I smiled while snarling, "Exactly."

"Maybe it was my idea but at least my name isn't bad." Emily mumbled while crossing her arms.

Nevaeh rolled her eyes, "Whatever, at least now we know to never go to his house again unless we want this type of thing to happen to us, again."

"Yeah but," Emily gasped, "Now we can tell the principal that Mario is lying about where he lives-"

"Actually no we can't." Nevaeh stated, interrupting her.

I questioned, "And why not? The proof is literally evident," as I pointed at all our clothes.

She explained, "We can't tell the principal that I hacked into the school system to see where Mario lives since that's against school policy to know someone's "personal" information plus you're forgetting I'm his daughter so I might as well be asking for a ticket to hell when you think about it."

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