{Keeping Up With The Indians}

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When she asked, "Can you give me a rubber?" I blinked once, twice, and even thrice, but still failed to understand what she meant.

Astonished, I asked, "What?" "I'm sorry, but what?" I asked.

Her eyes squinted and she asked, "What, what? Give me a rubber!"

"Why are you asking me for rubber here? This is not the right place to ask for it." I reasoned, still not understanding why she would want that in the classroom. In my opinion, Mishty was too goody-goody.

My apologies, but I forgot my rubber, and I will buy an extra next time. Now, I'm asking you for this. It's not as if I am asking anything inappropriate." She replied exasperatedly. If this isn't inappropriate, then what is?

My reply was simply, "I don't have it."

In addition, she said, "If you don't want to give me, then I am going to ask someone else; however, don't lie to me."

'I'm not lying, but why are you using it at all? I wouldn't be the kind of person who would carry something like that.' I spat back at her, I'm getting aggravated with this. The fault lies with her this time.

"Oh my my! You just used it, then you lied to my face, and what's your point? I'll ask someone else for the rubber. It's fine if you don't want to hand it over to me." What the hell is going on? Exactly how can she say that, if I never own it? When she asked the girl next to her for the rubber, the girl gave her an eraser.

Again, what is happening here? It's the eraser she gets, not the rubber.

My confused voice asked, "Why did you ask her for the eraser while you asked me for the rubber?"

"Do they differ in any way? Wait, what were you thinking when I asked you for that rubber?" she asked as she gave back the eraser.

My face had turned red like a tomato as I awkwardly coughed and replied, "I have no idea what you were asking for."

"Gurl! I'd like to know what you think I'm asking for." She put her hands on her hips and smirked. At this point, she is loving it.

"Ithoughtyouwereaskingforacondom," I said hurriedly, preventing further embarrassment.

'Sorry honey, I didn't catch you there. Could you repeat that again and louder so I can understand your incoherent speech?' Mishty sincerely asked, but little did she know after listening to what I said, she would end up shouting.

It sounded like you wanted me to give you a condom, I muttered between coughs, trying to stress each word.

"WHAT?! WHEN DID I ASK FOR THAT?" She shouted, and all eyes turned on us. I am thankful our classroom teacher isn't here, because otherwise, we would have to explain all of this to him, and I have a feeling that doesn't seem like something you want to discuss with your teacher.

Mishty, will you calm down?" I said and dragged her down to sit by me.

"For the love of god, I was asking for a rub... I meant eraser. You even ruined that word for me!" The brunette dramatically exclaimed. Is it God's intent to make such dramatic queens as Mishty and Alexa?

"How could I tell you that a rubber is a pencil eraser here? If you asked the same question in high school, you would have been given a rubber, not a pencil eraser," I said, and she blushed.

"Oh my god, Katie! It would be the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me." She laughed out loud. What a girl.

Then I told her, "Stop! You are attracting attention again!" She started laughing and showed me a do-you-think-I-care-about-that face, but after a few seconds, she quieted down and focused on me.

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