{Just some miles away}

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Today is an exceptionally auspicious day. You are aware of that by now. I am leaving for Miami in what seems like a few hours.

The birds are chirping, the sky has worn off its darkness, and now it is just bright and cloudy. The wind is blowing through, transmitting positive vibes to every minimal part of my anatomy and making me feel euphoric from inside out. The entire aroma around me is just sweet and relaxing as if nature is synchronizing with my mood today.

Sitting in my swing chair, absorbing the view for the last time, reminiscing all those nights I spent out here.

That's it! It's over. My time in India, it's over.

My luggage was in the living room. It looks the same as when I first entered it, but it has a sense of belonging now. I ended up feeling at home in this place. Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.

It doesn't sound bad at all to leave this home and go to my other one, but saying goodbye to friends and family here, that I built here, will be the hardest part of leaving.

"Katie sis wake up!" Arnav slips into my room.

"Oh you are calling me sis now, Chimpui! How about calling me a bitch again?" I taunted.

"That was a simple slip of the tongue."

"I don't believe so. It seems you got spoiled in Dylan's company so quickly."

"Hey! You swear a lot too."

"Haw Chimpui! Don't put this on me. I have seen you swear, when you are with that best friend of yours."

"He has a name!" He stated.

"Which I am not interested in knowing."

"Okay, I don't wanna bicker at all today with my sis." Arnav vowed.

"Wow what made you do that?"

"You are leaving na, so I won't fight with you today." He pouted.

"Awe! You silly boy, no need to make that face. Come here!"

"I won't hug you just yet!"

I pulled his dramatic self into a hug. "What's in your hand?"

"See that's why I wasn't hugging you."

"Hehe...It's my goodbye gift, isn't it?"

"Put some shame on it while attempting to gain it." Arnav said.

"You know your sister is shameless, and I don't hide it from you,"

He brings out a small box in front of me, "Guess what it might be?"

"A ring?"

"Do I look like someone who wants to propose to you?"

"Oi, rings aren't just for couples. They can also be a promise ring."

"No, last guess!"


"No!" he said, opening the box. It was a silver key chain, on which my name was written in Hindi at the top left corner, and in English at the bottom right corner. I took it out of the box and traced my finger on the name.

When I flipped it over, I noticed some engraving on the cross-section. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it read 'From Chimpui to Eri'.

"How is it?" He asked excitedly.

"I don't like it!" I exclaimed.

"Of course you don't like it, you loved it." Arnav grinned, knowing what I was trying to say.

My Journey To An Indian HighSchoolWhere stories live. Discover now