{Being Human}

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"Wake up! It's already 11am." An irritated voice calls out.

"For god's sake, it's Sunday. Lemme sleep." I hugged back my pillow.

"C'mon, it's Halloween! We got so many things to do." The cheeriest person you'll ever meet on a weekend shouted.

"Go away Chimpui, otherwise I'll eat everything you've hidden in your refrigerator."

"Are you waking up or not?"


"I am asking one last time: yes or no?"

"Nononono! Now go away!" If he says another word, I might strangle him.

All that could be heard was a clock's ticking, no other voice.

"Argh, I'm gonna kill you!" I woke up groggily.

Running outside, I found the little brat. With a lopsided smile on his face, he showed me the remote controls for the air conditioner and fan.

"How dare you close the fan and the A.C." I rubbed my eye as I lunged at him on the sofa.

When his back was to me, I locked him in my grasp and he struggled to get out.

Trying to escape my grasp, he grabbed my hair and I shouted "Ouch...! Don't touch my hair."

"Let me go first!"

"Alright, alright, let's call it a truce." Having parted, we sat separately.

"You started this fight..."

"You started this fight" I mocked him.

"And now you are copying me" Arnav whined.

"And now you are copying me"

"Such a kiddo."

"Such a kiddo."

"Look who called out, the dumbest person here."

"My stupidity cannot match yours." I retorted

"Apparently, I was the one who thought the loose motion was a type of couple dance." Yeah, that was the first thing that came to mind when explaining it to him

"It's awful I told you all that."

A fistful of his tongue slithered at me as he hinted, "You should have thought it over before telling me, like a billion times."

"It was all Mishty's fault, if she hadn't told you to ask for the deets, you wouldn't have bugged me."

"As if it was my choice to tell you. Mishty told you to ask me about today and then you won't let me be at peace." The two bond very well every time Mishty drops me off near my bus after we have roamed.

He asked me about the stunts I pulled off that day since then Mishty was the one who was after my solitude. The Almighty, It seems as though you have sent them into my life just to make me go haywire, yet I thank you for bringing them into my life.

"Down to India, sista!" he yelled and not anywhere else but directly into my ears.

"Dylan and you are the only ones who can get away with this." As soon as I mentioned Lex's brother, I realized how much I missed him. Although he was annoying, he is always my little brother. Dylan was always missed by me but Arnav never let me miss having an annoying brother.

"Mishika didi is coming, isn't she?" Arnav inquired.

"Huh..? Oh...I asked her once before, but she said no." I was in a trance when he asked me that question.

"If you call her again, ask her for the final time."

"I agree with you. It would be great if she came."

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