{Ranting Night}

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We are in the midst of October, and here sitting in my balcony's hanging chair with a coffee mug in my hand on a Saturday's midnight. Reminiscing about the past month.

It went in a blur with lots of stress and the problem of settling in. However, I can conceitedly admit that I did it. I get through this oblivion state of mine, where I was nothing but a lost child.

I know each and every place in my school now, that I can give a tour to a newbie. Not that anyone would join in between the second semester. Mishika helped me a lot in the past month and we became good friends. I like to call her Mishty that name suits her better.

I just kept myself engaged with Mishty that I never felt the need of getting close to anyone else.

People in class get familiar with my presence, so do I. I no longer feel alienated, but if anxiety or insecurities hit in, I blocked all the people out.

Due to my different accent and American ears, I was impotent to pronounce some names of the students in my class and that led to one of the most embarrassing moments.

That moment's humiliation was fresh in my memory like it was just a moment ago.

When I shouted and swore at Aditya Singhal, I also called him a pervert. Turns out to be he wasn't asking me out or flirting with me, but his surname was S-I-N-G-H-A-L, and I heard single, which led to my very drastic humiliation.

I regret calling him a pervert and swearing at him, so I did apologize but you know what happened next was unexpected.

Let me quote his words, he said "Miss Buffett, you might be getting ahead of yourself and misunderstanding this all. My last name is Singhal, not single. I can spell it for you. It's S-I-N-G-H-A-L. Now do you want to repeat your words?"

Even though I was at fault, I got the nerves to call him a jerk. Dude, no one, and I mean it, no one got the guts to humiliate me like that, even though I put myself in the situation, but it was too much for me.

The worst first day ever. Mr. Samar entered the class, as it was lunchtime, which interrupted the conversation to go on. My bond with Aditya isn't typically the best one, but yeah he got over it.

Although he used this incident to pick up on me, sometimes when I am forced by Mishty to talk with him. She says I shouldn't have any bitter memories of India, and even made Aditya apologize for his disreputable behavior.

I did call Lex that day to complain about the unfortunate day. The moment she picked up the phone I filled her with the whole incident, not even leaving a word out.

The next moment I know she starts swearing like a sailor and that really made that day a little better for me. She did lecture me on how not to make enemies already and blah blah blah...but at last she just cheered me up.

We changed the topic to a lighter one where I told her about the new things I learned that day and the prank Arnav pulled on me.

Of course, she laughed her arse off knowing the little cute boy, put me in trouble. She is obsessed with his sassy yet classy nature.

I was way too fatigued from the things that happened the following day that I nearly forgot about Arnav's misleading me about the things. I didn't realize that I ended up ignoring him unintentionally, which resulted in him keeping nagging me for the whole day for forgiving him.

Lex and I get in a routine to talk daily for hours. Usually, she would start filling me in with things. It's good to know that I am not missing out on the hot news. Then again, I would tell her about my whole day, things that I learned, and the things I found totally absurd.

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