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What made me so irresponsible, just what made me so irresponsible? The whole time, I didn't realize I had been oblivious. While I was consuming all the Indian delicacies and skipping the only exercise I could do, jogging, I gained 10 pounds.

I decided today to go out and jog again after skipping many morning runs the past few weeks, but not before I weighed myself. As it turned out, I put on about 5 kilograms.

'Your daily jog has to be 30 minutes long now, Katie.'

'I don't have to be bossed around for this, Katie.

'If I don't boss you around, your motivation to do that will be low.'

'It's just a few pounds, I'll take care of it. I am not angry to give up my diet for that kind of food. I will handle both.'

'Whatever you say.'

"Let's go Katie." I commanded myself.

I quickly leave the house and as usual, take the stairs.

As of today, I will begin the 30-minute round of the society.

Descending the stairs, I make my way to the society's exit. I try to take in all the details of my surroundings.

A few people were jogging, most of whom appeared to be in their mid-twenties. There are a few cyclers that pass by me as well as daily rushes of cars on the road.

There's chaos here all the time, no peace in the morning as well. In spite of that, I jogged as usual and ignored it. A lot of young people are walking their dogs out here, and some are carrying household necessities.

Running, I was looking around when I stepped on something that was moving, indeed someone. Despite the fear I feel, I cautiously peek down with my one eye. Despite my staring gaze, I was met with a tail and a head. Wouldn't it be nice if it were just a head and a tail, therefore a coin?

Having stared at the dog's eyes, I contemplated what to do next while he stared back with wide glowing eyes, in tandem with me. I thought we had been silent for a very long time, so the dog in front of me decided to break the silence first.

My foot flinched and I realized it was still on his tail. I quickly retreated my leg, but it was too late.

Just as if the canine came to an end with its turmoil about what to do next, as he drew near to me, I also realized at that moment I had to do something. For my life, I run.

It doesn't matter how many times we are taught to never run from a dog if it's in front of us. However, it is too late for me to act on that advice. I watched the dog run behind me like a man who had just been kicked in the shell.

In my case, I did step on the landmine.

Continually barking, the dog followed me hot on my heels. I hear other dogs barking behind me.

Other street dogs also join in the mad dash. As soon as they are freed from their owners' grasp, they run after the center of attraction, which is me.

It's like the dog here explained how I stepped on his tail and ran away so daringly. In a show of empathy, the other dogs decided to help the injured dog by catching me.

So let me tell you about the amazing scene that's worth getting viral on social media with hashtags like #biggestchaseoftheyear #morningjoggonewrong #AmericangirlvsIndiandogsandbitches #lifeishallelujah

The last one? Why? I guess people enjoy each other's misery.

Let's return to the cinematic scene, I was running and talking to the air. Doesn't look interesting, does it? You will be interesting to see behind me, I am sure.

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