Extra: Endings :Gyomei

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Y/n stared at Gyomei comfortably, knowing he wouldn't notice-

"Why are you staring at me?" Gyomei asks the kakushi who immediately looked away.

"I-I wasn't! Maybe it was someone else!" She exclaims, a cold sweat dripped down her cheek.

A soft smile climbs Gyomei's face. "Are you sure? We're the only ones here" he tells her before drinking his tea.

Y/n gulps and stood up. "I b-better go, my chores are still not done" she informs him as she bit her lip. As much as she felt comfortable with him as Hira, she was herself this time, who knows if he'd feel something with her.

The corner of Gyomei's lips tugged down. "Are you sure about that?"

Suddenly, a loud sound of chains rattled throughout the house, Y/n's confident demeanor faltered as she remembered that he head chained her ankle.

Y/n bit her lip, she had wished she still had her mask but she knew Gyomei had disposed of it. Her eyes stayed starting down at the floor, too afraid to move a muscle.

She could hear the large man stand up, the ruffling of his clothes could be heard as he moved. His footsteps neared her when his large hand slowly pulled her chin up to face his white eyes.

"Remember Y/n. You mustn't disobey"




Y/n sat in the same spot as always, her feet was never unchained form the large metal that Gyomei used. Neither could anyone ever carry it except Gyomei.

Her e/c eyes were dull. She hadn't have anyone to talk with except Gyomei. Goto would never look for her, she was one of the suspects of Hira's disappearance after all. She couldn't even hear anything that was going outside the state, Gyomei had prohibited anyone going to his estate  without his permission.

Her eyes darkened, her hands clenched her kimono tightly before her hands relaxed and raised towards the cup.

As her hands gripped the cup, she hovers it over the edge of the table and smashes it. The crash echoed throughout the estate, knowing Gyomei's high senses, she smiles weakly before placing the broken shard on her throat.

"I'm not waiting for another chance"


For those who is confused, Gyomei is blind, blind, blind. So he thinks that Y/n is Hira. Remember that there was a rumour of Hira being called as Y/n and no one has seen Hira's face except Goto, not even the color of her hair was known except of her clear violet eyes.

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