My name

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Y/n laid awake in the shared room. Her eyes stared at the ceiling before glancing at Goto's back facing her.

She could feel her eyes sting in exhaustion yet she couldn't bring herself to sleep.

The simple words of 'I love you' that she received from Shinobu's letter sent a chill on her spine.

Her hands shook in fear as her body shivered. Turning her body to the side, she held her head and grasped her silver white hair.

Tears dripped and fell from her cheek to the futon.

"I-I...can do this...! I c-can!" She whispered. She could feel her heart beat erratically due to nervousness.

She remembered all the times she said it would be good to have a yandere lover but...when she got was a scary experience.

The constant fear and chill that sent up on your spine. The feeling of someone staring creeper her out so much that she had to lie to herself.

In her past world, she was a carefree girl and was friendly. Though, she hated new things. New people new schedule she hated it. She wanted it all to stay the way it was before.

She adored the thought of someone loving her and nobody else. She didn't show it but she's possessive as fuck.

Someone she was close to got close to her pets and the first thought in her mind was to have that person be dragged out and be yelled to never come back again

"I can...I can..."

"I'll get through... this"

"I just have to..."

She whispered over and over, to the fact that even Goto woke up dug to her whispers.

"Hira...?" He called out only to fall on deaf ears. He turned to her and rubbed his eyes, sitting up slowly, "Hira...what's wrong--

"You can do Y/n"

Goto immediately stopped, "Y/n? Who's that?"

Once he grew cautious, his senses sharpened.

"Y/n...You can do it... I know you can! You'll get through this!" She talked to herself.

Goto was there confused, "Is she Y/n? But I thought her name was Hira? Is that a fake name?" He thought.

When he could see her grip her nails deeper to point her scalp bled, he panicked.

Crawling to her quickly, he pulled her arms away. "Stop that!" He demanded, his eyebrows furrowing.

Y/n looked up at him with tears on her eyes. "G-Goto?"

His grip on her arm tightened, "What do you think are you doing? Why are you hurting yourself?" He asked, not willing to let her arms go.

She only continued to stare at him before her bottom lip quivered and she cried. "Waaahh!" She cried out.

He lets her go immediately and landed on his behind. "W-why are you crying?!"

Though despite that, she didn't stop. Worrying that the other Kakushi's might wake up, he slowly made his way to her and embraced her.

He pats her her head, "Shh,  calm down Hira..." He whispered.

His warmth spread throughout her, slightly calming her down. She presses her chin on top of his shoulder and cried. She gripped on his robe as it soaked all of her tears.

"Shh, what's wrong, Hira?" He quietly asked, continuing to pet her hair.

The albino female didn't respond, she only grew quiet. She couldn't feel happy due to the name wasn't hers at all. They've been  calling the owner's body...who was now gone.

Her grip on his clothes ceased as her hands fell on the tatami floor.

" that name..." She murmured.

He tilted his head and stopped petting. Leaning his cheek on top of her head, he asked. "What? Sorry, I didn't hear you" he said.

Pulling away, she stared at him right into his eyes. "I said don't call with that name"

His eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

"Call me Y/n" she replied. She wanted to feel the recognition of her own name.

He gulped, still confused. "Ok then... Y/n"

It was almost like a weight had been lifted of her shoulders. Tears tricked down her cheeks before jumping to his arms and hugging him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She giggled, her smile was wide unlike before.

Before he knew it, he felt giddy inside. It was like butterflies fluttered inside his belly.

"O-of course... you're w-welcome" he stuttered, a dark deep blush adorning his cheeks.


Days past, the others could feel how Goto and Hira got closer than they were before.

They could see the twinkle in her eyes whenever she was beside Goto. He'd whisper something to her and that'd make her flying yo the moon.

Seeing her in a happy mood was a change of pace of course. The timid Hira was changing into a outgoing carefree girl.

Y/n was so happy to someone call her by her true name that she forgot the universe she was in was dangerous.

All the fear she felt disappeared in a flash. She treated Goto as a pill to make her happy and calm.

This didn't go unnoticed by the pillars who adored her of course.

Anyone who was near the hashira's could practically feel the bloodlust hung around them. The way they frowned and flared for no particular reason scared the hell out of the bystanders.

"Goto! Goto!" Y/n called out to the male who was carrying a basket full of potatoes.

"Hm? Oh it's just you" he nonchalantly stated.

She pouted, "Hey! Don't be like that!" She whined before following him.

"Which estate are you bringing that to?" She asked as she eyed the potatoes.

"To the flame pillar estate" he replied.

She stopped dead on her tracks, confusing the boy. "Hira? What's wrong?" He asked as he turned to her frozen stature.

Stepping back, "I have to go d-do something!" She stammered before running away.

He raised a brow on her actions before continuing on his tasks.

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