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As the four ghosts appeared in the familiar highschool, Mackenzie took a second to just look around.

It wasn't very different from twenty five years ago, but there were minor changes.

"You alright?" Luke whispered, noticing Mackenzie staring at one of the lockers.

It took the three a second to realize that the locker wasn't just any ordinary locker, but the one Mackenzie had throughout high school.

"Cmon, who cares about a studio metal box in the wall. We are here to have some fun." Luke said, putting an arm around Mackenzie and starting to walk.

"Yeah, yeah right sorry.." Mackenzie said, snapping out of the flashbacks that flowed through her mind.

The four walked the halls, seeing that they were empty due to it being the middle of a period.

"Hey look it's Flynn!" Reggie said, pointing into one of the classrooms.

The four entered the room, seeing the extremely bored girl and an extremely bored julie next to her.

"What are you doing here?!" Julie said quietly, earning a look from Flynn.

"What? Are the guys back?" Flynn asked, quietly so no one would hear.

"Yeah and they brought Kenzie." Julie said, watching Reggie walk off towards the front of the room with a smirk.

"Can I just go back.. I changed my mind." Mackenzie said, tugging on Luke's arm.

"Just wait, Reggie is about to do something." Luke said, motioning towards the boy up front.

The kids in the class looked scared seeing the whiteboard being written on by air. The words "class of 95' rocks" filled the board making not only the students, but the teacher also, to panic.

Mackenzie looked at Reggie not too amused, then back at Luke, hitting her head against his chest.

"You guys will never not be five year olds. I'm going back now." She said, poofing away while Luke followed.

The two appeared in the studio, Luke on the couch and Mackenzie on the piano bench.

"Kenz what's wrong." Luke asked.

"I-I don't know. That school doesn't make me feel good. And I'm still mad you three snooped around my song book." She said, standing up and pacing around.

Luke frowned. "I know, it was wrong. But we only want to help you, not tear you down. You know we wouldn't do it for a bad reason."

"Mackenzie Stanton listen to me!" Luke said loudly as he grabbed the girls shoulders.

Mackenzie flinched at the yell, it reminded her of her parents constant arguing.

Luke looked at her confused for a second, then realized what happened.

"Oh Kenz.. I forgot, I'm sorry." He said, bringing her in for a hug.

"I'm just so.. I don't know, overwhelmed? These past few months have been insane." She said, putting her arms around his neck.

"I know. All of us are. I just want you to know I'm here for you alright, if you want to talk just let me know." The brunette said, kissing her forehead.

Mackenzie nodded and let go of the hug, Luke walking towards his songbook.

"Did inspire a new Luke Patterson original song?" Mackenzie asked, thinking the boy was about to write another song.

"Not exactly. I trust you. So, since I snooped into your book, you can look at mine." Luke said, handing the book to the girl.

Mackenzie looked at the book, then to Luke shocked. No one has ever went through his book besides himself because it was almost like a sin if you touched it without approval.

"Your serious?" She asked, seeing Luke's uneasy nod.

Mackenzie opened the book, almost every page was filled with words. Most of the songs in there were played by the band whether it was with Julie or with Bobby.

But one song stuck out to the girl. The title was "my little bear". Mackenzie smiled, knowing this one was most likely about her, but skipped over it to see everything else before Luke decided to take back his book.

"Luke? What's this song about?" Mackenzie asked, flipping to a song called "fuck you".

Luke smirked and sat next to the girl, putting his head in her shoulder and looking at the book.

"Take a wild guess." Luke said, smiling at the book.

"Well, I'm going to go out in a limb and say it's about Sarah and her little bitch group." Mackenzie said.

Luke nodded his head and sang the main melody to the song so Mackenzie could get a so se of how it's supposed to go.

"Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So, please don't stay in touch" he sang, making Mackenzie laugh at the cheesy choice of words.

"This song sounds happy but then the words are like so rude. I love it." She admitted.

Luke smirked and snatched his book back. "Ok I'm done sharing. You only had three readable pages anyways."

Mackenzie nodded and the two decided to head back to the school so they could find alex and Reggie. Knowing them two, Reggie is causing trouble and Alex is trying to convince him not to.

But, that's how this band works. Mackenzie and Alex are the more "in control" ones while Reggie and Luke are the wild ones.

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